Authorization to only display
customizing (SPRO)
Anyone can advise on what profile
or role I should assign to my consultants, for them to display the customizing
in production?
=== 1. There are no SAP-roles for customizing (update or display). 2. You can create a customizing
role in PFCG:
As the roles can get pretty big it is quite a lot of work to check the generated authorizations and to limit them if necessary (e.g. only display) and to delete authorizations which certain users (e.g. consultants) do not need. This is especially important if they have other roles which in combination may allow "unwanted access" to certain things. What is basically necessary for
customizing display is SM30, S_TABU_DIS for the relevant authorization
groups (activity 03) plus if you want to read the tables out of the IMG
the relevant S_TCODE-authorizations. Additionally many transactions require
various other authorization objects (which are generated out of SU24 -
which is not "100% accurate" as SAP states).
=== We use version 3.1. but there
is no posting in any web site suitable for creating IMG All display only
profile for Ver 3.1
=== The 3.1 version I beleive is
a different structure than the higher versions so I am not sure the CUST_ACTOBJ
table exists. You will have to debut the IMG to find the source where the
tcodes are housed. There are MANY transactions associated with the IMG
and S_TABU_DIS is only a part.
=== But even in SAP_ALL the customizing
for IMG (S_IMG_ACTV) object value is only having Change or nothing..!!
There is no option to display... their are few more objects like this.
If I dont have any value selected, the profile is not be effective. Nothing
can be done. Any more suggestions..
=== And S_IMG_ACTV means very little.
You can configure with or without it and since configuration is tcode driven
and accessable anywhere in the system. You have to give S_IMG_ACTV '02',
it means little
=== I beleive you need S_IMG_GENE
to actually change the config. We have two roles (4.6C) ... one for display
only and one for changing.
=== Create f.ex a role "CUSTOMIZING"
and run the following ABAP.
Note, there is another table cus_acth as well that you load into your internal table and you need to add a sort tcodes and delete adjacent duplicated. then load to your role.
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