These common IDOCs reprocessing
questions and answers will come in handy for those who are supporting users
who are using SAP EDI.
You can use the below Programs for IDocs Reprocessing: RBDMANI2 : Reprocess Idocs manually RBDMANIN : Posting of IDocs with Status 51 RBDMOIND : Outbound Idocs status 03->12 RSEOUT00 : For Processing 30 Status IDocs RBDAPP01 : For Processing 64 Status IDocs RBDAGAIN : Reprocess Incorrect Outbound IDocs RBDAGAI2 : Reprocessing of IDocs
after ALE Input Error
Reprocessing IDOCS with status 52 Any report or transaction name for reprocessing IDOC with status 52. Run program RC1_IDOC_SET_STATUS
to change the IDoc status 52 to 64 and run program RBDINPUT to reprocess
the IDoc.
IDOC Reprocess Status 03 How to reprocess idocs in status 03 through BD87? I can give you a work around though: 1) Go to WE19 enter your IDOC number which already has status 03 and execute. 2) On the next screen, it will display the IDOC, choose appropriate button on toolbar (standard Function Module) to process it. 3) This will generate the new IDOC similar to the one which was posted completely. 4) Now the new IDOC should have status ready (Unless you have clicked Process Immediately in WE21 for this message type, it should be execute by Background Job). This approach is applicable for
Reprocess the IDOC without using BD87 How to reprocess the IDOC without using BD87? See the status of the record and process the below program using Submit report (SA38/SE38) by passing Idoc number: Program RBDMANI2 for status 51 & 52 Program RBDAPP01 for status 64 ,66 Program RBDAGAIE for status 32 and 69 (Edited IDocs) Program RBDSYNER for status 26 Program RSEOUT00 for status 30 Re-process IDocs failing in 29 status,
use program RBDAGAIN.
Reprocess 26 Status Outbound IDOCS We had many idocs which failed due to syntax error. We have fixed that error and now want to reprocess those idocs. We tried BD87 and the status is 03 but it also contains idoc 25 which we want to get rid of. Is there any transaction / PROGRAM In R/3 by which we can get rid of 26 status and just have 03 status. Try this Program RBDSYNEO for status 26 and it will give you the desired result. You can check this program RBDAGAIN / Tcode BD83 for status 02, 04, 05, 25, 29. |
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