I got an old Nexus 10 and recently, the micro usb cable seems to malfunctions when I tried to copy files from by android tablet to my ASUS laptop.
Then I was thinking if there was any good apps that can allow me to copy files from my Android Nexus 10 tablet using my ASUS laptop. My search lead me to this free apps called WiFi FTP Server which you can find in the Android play store.
Once you installed the apps, click Start and you are given the Server URL to your own tablet. Then on your laptop or computer, open up your File Explorer and type in the URL beginning with ftp://192.666.1.209:9991/ and you will immediately have access to all your tablet folder. Take note that your computer and tablet must be within the SAME WiFi network. The speed is as good as copying using my micro usb cable. Click STOP once you have finished copying.
Frequently plugging in the wire might increase the end of life for your micro usb port of your tablet or smart phone. That is the main reason I chose to use the WIFI file management first.
As you are using WIFI for the copying, moving and deleting, there are times that it does not seem to work. That is the time I would plug in the wire. Most of the time, the wireless does work.
Screen shot of My PC
In Windows 10, click This PC and then type the ftp address provided by the WIFI FTP Server apps.