How do we set-up shipment from different warehouses so that items can be placed in same order?
As we have 3 warehouses and sometimes the customer orders items which are stocked in those 3 different warehouses. As of standard Customer Master set-up we can only set-up 1 default shipping condition.
Since company may have different plant + storage locations on order item level, you can have different warehouses in the SD order.
If you never FLAG THE SPLIT BY WAREHOUSE NUMBER, all items may come into the same delivery with different warehouses in items in LIPS-LGNUM, and with empty warehouse LIKP-LGNUM in the delivery header. In this case, a distribution to decentral warehouse or EWM is not possible. Only WM and SD picking is possible.
The manual patch where the split by warehouse is:
SPRO- > Logistics Execution -> Shipping -> Deliveries -> Define Split Criteria for Deliveries -> Delivery Split by Warehouse Number -> Determine delivery split per warehouse number