What exact differences between Multiprovider and Infosets
in BI 7?
MP is works as union operator it brings all records irrespective of the target for the given selection. But the infoset brings data which are common in the infoproviders. Both were structures. Infosets in BI can join cube also.
Multiprovider Scenario : infoprovider 1: 0CALMONTH 0PLANT STOCK
Some sample data: infoprovider 1:
infoprovider 2:
From a technical perspective, you could actually design a MultiProvider having all the 3 characteristics: 0CALMONTH, 0PLANT, and 0VENDOR. But as a matter of fact, it'd be useless. MultiProvider:
Union of the data in the MultiProvider: 201201 PLANT_1 VENDOR_A 0 70
As you see, the stock data are thoroughly assigned to the vendor code # (i.e. not assigned). That's expected, as the stock data (in infoprovider 1) are not at the vendor granularity level. On the other hand, the order data have the vendor detail. An InfoSet with the right join condition would present these data: 201201 PLANT_1 VENDOR_A 100 70
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