At Home PC Jobs Need More Disciple

Working at home alone requires more disciple that you think.  Here are some characters traits that you need to build in order for you to succeed and free yourself from being trap in the office all day long.

Self Organization - Working at home presents a whole new set of challenges that you wouldn't necessarily have if you were in a corporate office setting. First of all, your actual physical desk space or office space. Make sure you have a dedicated place to do your home pc job, where you can go to get away and have some privacy. Keep everything in it's proper place. Keep your paper files neatly organized in a filing system, and make sure you keep things clearly labeled. Keep your PC desktop free from clutter by removing icons that you do not use daily or weekly into a sub folder. Clean up your internet favorites folder so that all the websites you use can be very easily found with 2-3 short points & clicks of your mouse. 

Make sure office space is free from distractions from anyone else you live with, spouse, kids, or roommates. The best choice would be to convert one bedroom into your office space, since it would have a door that you could close for privacy. If that is not an option, at least choose a place that is away from the activity of the main living areas...away from the kitchen, away from the TV, and away from where the kids play. A dining room table may work well. 

If you have young kids like I do, make sure you set clear boundaries so that when you are in your office with the door closed, that they know that you are working and don't want to be bothered. One caveat here - I've always told my kids that if my door is closed and they every want a hug or kiss, that is fine! Just come on in and there is nothing more important than that! If you're on the phone for business and your daughter wants a hug, don't apologize to the person on the phone, just tell them that it is part of the lifestyle of working at home and that you're not some corporate type person who only sees their kids for an hour in the evening before bed. They will respect that. 

Discipline - You must create a Daily Method of Operation. Basically that is a schedule that you'll keep on the days that you're working in your house. Make it detailed. Schedule out when you're getting up, eating, taking breaks, making calls, doing marketing, studying/learning, attending conference calls, doing administrative tasks, going to the bank/post office, doing online purchases, etc. Working from home makes you very vulnerable to distractions. 

You need more disciple in your own house so as to lessen the chance for you to waste time when you could be productive. Working at home allows you the flexibility to take breaks or spend time with your family when YOU want to, not when a boss tells you that you can. Make sure to schedule time in there for family time, quiet reading time, naps, trips to the park, spending quality time with your kids, making breakfast for the kids, or even time with your spouse during the middle of the day with the door locked. You got into business for yourself from home for these perks, make sure you take advantage of them. Work when you're working and play when you're playing. 

Focus - Working for yourself from home will cause you to wear many hats. One minute you'll be a marketer, the next a customer service agent, the next a sales person, the next a student, the next a administrative assistant. You'll basically have to do it all. Just be sure that you focus on one thing at a time and don't try to do multiple tasks at once. Multitasking actually makes you LESS productive, because the human brain can actually only focus on one thing at a time and still be totally focused on that one thing. You're brain cannot be 50/50 focused evenly on 2 things. One of the things will get less attention and you'll likely drop the ball. Compartmentalize your tasks, focusing totally on one thing until you get to a stopping point and then picking up the next task. It may help to have a daily checklist of tasks you need to accomplish that would tie in nicely to your daily work schedule.

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