Always Be Prepared
There is an old saying that opportunities belong to those who are prepared. No matter how much you love your current job and wish that you could stay forever till your retirement, there will be factors that will eventually change your choice. If you are working towards career advancement and you can't find yourself going any further in your current job, then you may have to try looking outside your current employer. In some cases, you may find it difficult because of your new bosses. Although you might try to mend things in order to be able to work better with your new boss, there are just some individuals who will refuse to cooperate. When your new boss gets in the way of your career advancement, you should seriously consider changing jobs. Preparation for job change does not necessarily mean that you are running away from your problems when you opt for a change in careers. It could simply mean that you want to open doors to better opportunities that will further your career. With that said, you need to prepare yourself by getting back to the basics. That would basically mean printing copies of your updated resumes, and waiting for an initial interview. We are all well- aware of how to come up with winning applications. When you are done with the initial phase in the process, it does not mean that it stops there. There are a lot of preparations that also need to be done for your job interview. If you want to succeed and land the job, you should keep these in mind. Get Some Interview Practice Companies have different ways of handling applicants, which is why you cannot rely on a specific formula. However, you can always stick to the basics. One of the best things you can do is to ask a friend or relative to act as the interview and ask you questions. Doing so will at least prepare you to some degree, because you will have an idea on what to expect during the real thing. In addition to that, you should also find out as much as you can about the company you are applying in. It will be pointless to submit your application to a company you barely have knowledge about. If the interviewer asks you with regard to what do you know about the company, you won't be able to answer correctly. It's easy to prepare and present yourself as the best candidate in the battle for the right career and the right job. Job Hunt Tips Here are some basic tips to get your attitude, career change and job search commitment on the right track: 1. Get feedback on your image, telephone voice, and on-camera abilities. How you answer questions and what you say reflects positively and negatively on your image. Show your good side and project the best image possible-practice, practice and practice some more. 2. Limit your resume to the last 10-15 years. Don't put graduation dates and personal information in your resume. Focus on quantifiable accomplishments in your resume. 3. Start a relevant course of study-formal education, self-study and on-line learning can all show that you are a lifelong learner. Keep up with the latest information in your current chosen carer. 4. Join relevant professional associations. Do what needs to be done to get you noticed, be proactive, work on projects and assist others. Volunteer to work for a non-profit to get additional experience and to keep busy. 5. Use networking to uncover hidden job possibilities. 6. If necessary, work as a temp or contractor to build your skills and experience as you search for your new employer. 7. Project energy; bring into your answers during the interview examples of physical activities that you enjoy doing on a frequent basis. 8. Know that changing careers and/or finding a new job after takes time. Be patient, but be diligent-work at finding the right job every day-it's full time work. Build a set of procedures to follow-up on contacts, and prospective opportunities. 9. Research the prospective employer, corporate culture, dress code, new projects and products, and new markets will all help you ace the interview. 10. Continue working your career plan, especially after you find a job in your new career. It will make you more valuable to your employer, you'll be able to assist others, and your attitude will soar with your new skills and abilities. Also, you should also remember to bring the following: - Copy of your resume.
Conclusion Finally, remember to focus on living your life, good things will happen. Your new job and new career will bring new joy and challenges to your life, and isn't that what life is all about? When you are able to keep all of these in mind, you will be able to do your best in the interviews. However, you should keep in mind not to talk too much, because your interviewer might lose interest in you. |
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