Today, if you wish to succeed in making a living online, you need to learn and master your chosen niche. The days of easy money are over. The search engines algorithm are getting better and digital marketing are taught to students while they are still in school. People who want to make a living on the internet has to follow the same rules as if you are working on a full-time job. You need to build up your skill and become an expert of your niche and people will approach you for solution and that is where you become valuable to them. Do you know that what separates an expert from others is often something surprising simple? Whenever we learn a new skill, we always hit a point of frustration, especially when we are learning something which is seems beyond our capabilities. Whenever you gave in to these feelings, you unconsciously quit on yourself before you actually gave up. Same Talent An expert had the same talent as you but the only difference is not simply a matter of determination, but more of trust and faith. Many individuals who succeed in life have the experience in their youth of having mastered some skill, a sport or game, a musical instrument or a foreign language and so on. What is stored in their minds is the sensation of overcoming their frustrations and entering the cycle of accelerated returns. Whenever they are in doubts, their memory of their past experience rises to the surface. This process fill them with trust and faith again and they trudge on well past the point at which others slow down or mentally quit. Mastering A Skill The magic key to mastering of a specific skill is time. For example, if your practice proceeds at a steady pace, over days and weeks, certain elements of the skill become hardwired. As time goes by, your entire skill becomes internalized, like part of your nervous system. Your brain is no longer stucked in the details, but you can see the bigger picture. It is a miraculous sensation and daily diligent practice will lead you to that point, no matter the talent level you are born with. Learning Hindrance The only real hindrance to your learning is your emotions such as boredom, panic, frustration and insecurity. You can't suppress such emotions as they are normal during the initial process and are experienced by everyone, including the expert. The only thing you can do is to have faith in the process. Those boredom emotions will go away once you enter into the learning cycle. The panic emotion disappears after repeated exposure. The frustration is a sign of progress and a signal that your brain is processing complexity and requires more practice. The insecurities will transform into their opposites once you gained mastery of the subject. Trusting this will all happened, you will allow the natural learning process to move forward and let everything else fall into place naturally. Conclusion To become an expert, you must adopt what we call resistance practice. First, you resist the temptation to be nice to yourself. You become your own worst critic by seeing your work if through the eyes of others. Secondly, you resist the lure of easing up on your focus. You got to train yourself to concentrate in practice with double intensity, as if it were the real thing times two. When devising your own routines, you become as creative as possible. You invent exercises that work upon your weakness. You give yourself arbitrary deadlines to meet certain standards, constantly challenging yourself past perceived limits. In this way, you develop your own standard for excellence that is generally higher than those of others. In the end, your five hours of intense, focused work are the equivalent of ten for most people. Very soon, you will see the results of such practice and others will marvel at the apparent ease in which you are able to accomplish your deeds. |
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