Start a Home Based Job to Protect Against Jobs Redundancy

By © Arthur, The Part Time Job Home

Gone are the good old days where you can have a life time career with the same company.  Today, you could be fully employed, but come tomorrow, you might just be retrenched as companies outsource, downsize, merge or re-organized their operations to save cost. As employees, we constantly face job loss as business decline or a certain industries become obsolete. 

Peter Drucker, the world acclaimed management guru said - "The only skill that will be important in the 21st century is the skill of learning news skills. Everything else will become obsolete over time."

If you happened to be in a company that is undergoing retrenchment, you will know how difficult and stressful it can be.  Everyone are worried for their next meal, their family expenses, children education, medical bills, car or real estates loans and credit cards bills etc.  You can feel the strong emotions that surrounds you; anxiety, anger, shock, sadness, worried and the feeling of being betray by the company whom they have slog day and night for.

The matter became worse if it happened at a time when:

- the economy is in a bad shape and there are lack of job opportunities,
- you are old and the job market favors the young,
- your skills happened to be in an industry that was obsolete,
- did not have at least six months to a years of savings based on your last drawn salary,
- you didn't upgrade your skills to stay relevant.

Gradually, employees have learned to accept that jobs can be very dynamics and un-secured nowadays.  It is better to stop blaming your employers and come to terms with what had happened to the global economy.  Many have learn to look forward and instead spend their energies to explore new employment alternatives to lower the impact of job loss. 

What can we do to Survive and Lower the Impact of a Job Loss?

- Plan to save at least 12 months of your last drawn salary

Depending on the type of industries and job competitiveness, career expert recommend that you need to have savings to tide you over the job search period.  The lack of money can be very stressful especially when there are bills to be paid.

- Stay relevant in your job skills

The wood cutter who take time to sharpen his axe can cuts more trees than a wood cutter who never sharpen his axe.  Keeping your job skills relevant is a top priority in toady's job market.

- Networking

Who gets to know of any job vacancy in the company first.  The answers are people who are currently employed in the company. Stay in touch with those colleague who have resigned and make new friend with those who are in the same industry.  Who knows, they might be the one who will help you find your next job.

- Start a home based job on the internet (Selected Choice by MAJORITY against Unemployed)

Nothing beats having a second source of full time income.  Research have shown that many people around the world have managed to create a second source of full time income from their home based job on the internet.  Investing your time to learned how to start a home based job is the NEW job skills that people are more than willing to learned to survive the loss of jobs.

To conclude, learned to prepare yourself and acknowledge that job loss can happened to anyone at any point of time.  Accept it and spend time to think how you can overcome it.

Wishing you success in protecting yourself against Jobs Redundancy.


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