There is a famous old saying that goes like this, "If
you want to achieve greatness, stop asking for permission."
That sentence should serve as a reminder to everyone that this is your
life and you have to follow the path you choose or make the best of the
one you find yourself on. This makes it crucial that you should start to
create your own personal brand you can stand behind and do just that.
Think back in time what got you interested in coming on board in the first place. Deep inside you, you may want to fire your boss, probably. You want to stay away from MLM. You wish to have a successful career as an entrepreneur and to own your own home based business. Of course you probably wouldn't mind being an automatic millionaire, either. So now, it is about building a brand you can be proud to market and never have to ask permission to succeed. There could be many valid reason you chose to launch your successful home based business opportunity. You wish to join the elite community of online marketing business entrepreneurs that have done so because they want to be millionaires. You voted yourself in on a breakthrough online business education program and automated marketing platform to secure your success. You could probably were impressed by "Millionaires on a Mission." You may have thought that an organization that has set a goal to develop 100 millionaires by 2012 must be driven, and must be the perfect fit for you. Do you think they ask permission to set these kinds of goals for themselves? And why did they gain your interest in the first place? Because they have done the ground work and taken the necessary action required to establish a trusted brand. Likewise, you too can do the same thing for your personal brand. Start thinking from the inside, stop asking permission and be true to the personal brand you create. There is no valid reason to seek permission, anyway. You are on your way to becoming a successful work home-based business entrepreneur. You are getting a marketing education and preparing to launch a marketing platform. You know that you would stay away from MLM and know to direct others to do the same. You have even learned about how to leverage on your inner talent and time by leveraging the system. Since that is also your goal as well, you are on the right track. You have already made it clear you want to achieve greatness in your life, as well as take control of your own financial, professional and personal destiny. You have the necessary tools, you are living the brand, you are learning what you need and being prepped for success and possibly on the road to being a millionaire. With a well-written plan on hand, with the cleared goals and vision you have, what is it that you think you even have to ask permission for? Don't even ask if you have permission to be the most successful version of you, just go through with it. You have your own permission to get rich and to work from home. And, of course, you play the best life game in making yourself a success. |
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