Fiscal Year and Posting Period

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Question 1:

Which factors determine the fiscal year variant you would assign to a company code?

A. The need to control which periods are open for posting for specific user groups
B. The use of a specific fiscal year variant by other company codes on the client
C. The need to control which periods are open for posting for the company code
D. The fiscal year start and end period of the company

Question 2:

The period in which the transaction is entered into your books is controlled by:

A. Document date and Posting period
B. Posting date and Posting period
C. Value date and Document type

Question 3:

What are the different account types in posting periods?

A. Customer, Vendor, Posting period
B. GL, Cost center, Material
C. Customer, Vendor, GL, Asset, Material
D. GL, Cost center, Material, Asset

Question 4:

Can a Posting Period Variant be assigned to more than one company code?

A. True
B. False

Answers and Detailed Explanations

1) Answer: D

The fiscal year variant in SAP defines the financial year structure of an organization.  It determines the number of posting periods (usually 12 regular periods plus special periods for adjustments) and their respective start and end dates.

This configuration ensures that financial transactions are recorded in the correct fiscal periods, aligning with the company's financial reporting needs.

Types of Fiscal Year Variants

1. Calendar Year Fiscal Year (January to December)

  • The fiscal year follows the standard calendar year.
  • Each month corresponds directly to a posting period.
  • SAP standard variants like K1 or K2 represent this structure.

2. Non-Calendar Fiscal Year

  • The fiscal year starts and ends on dates different from the calendar year (e.g., April 1 to March 31).
  • Each period has a specific start and end date.
  • A year shift indicator is used when periods span across two calendar years.

3. Year-Dependent Fiscal Year

  • This structure applies to a specific calendar year and may change annually.
  • Useful for organizations that need flexible period definitions each year.

4. Shortened Fiscal Year

  • A fiscal year with fewer than 12 periods, often due to mergers or accounting changes.
  • Requires special configuration to accommodate fewer periods.

Configuring Fiscal Year Variants in SAP

1. Access the Configuration Path:
  • Navigate to: SPRO > Financial Accounting > Financial Accounting Global Settings > Fiscal Year > Maintain Fiscal Year Variant.
2. Define the Variant:
  • Create a new fiscal year variant, specify if it follows the calendar year, and define the start and end dates for each period.
3. Assign to Company Code:
  • Once created, assign the fiscal year variant to the relevant company code(s) to ensure correct financial postings.

2) Answer: B

The posting period in which a transaction is recorded is determined by the Posting Date and Posting Period.
  • Posting Date: The date when a transaction is actually posted in SAP.
  • Posting Period: The financial period in which the transaction is recognized for reporting purposes.

Key Considerations:

  • The system automatically determines the posting period based on the posting date and fiscal year variant assigned to the company code.
  • Posting outside an open posting period will trigger an error unless allowed by special period settings.

3) Answer: C

SAP allows posting periods to be assigned to different account types, ensuring controlled posting for specific accounts.

Types of Account Groups in Posting Periods

Account Type Symbol Purpose
General Ledger (GL) S Manages all financial transactions
Customer D Manages customer accounts
Vendor K Manages vendor payables
Asset A Manages fixed assets
Material M Manages inventory and material transactions

4) Answer: A (True)

A Posting Period Variant (PPV) can be assigned to multiple company codes.
  • This enables centralized control of posting periods across different entities.
  • It ensures that all assigned company codes follow the same posting period rules.

Configuring Posting Period Variants in SAP

1. Transaction Code: OB52 (Used for defining open/closed posting periods).

2. Assign the Posting Period Variant to multiple company codes via

  • SPRO > Financial Accounting > Financial Accounting Global Settings > Document Control > Define Posting Period Variant.
3. Set Open and Closed Periods for account types using the following symbols:
Account Type SAP Symbol
General Ledger S
Customer D
Vendor K
Asset A
Material M

Testing Posting Period Configurations

To verify the settings, try posting transactions using:
  • FB01 – G/L Account Posting
  • FB60 – Vendor Invoice Posting
  • FB70 – Customer Invoice Posting
If an error occurs, check the posting period settings in OB52.


Understanding Fiscal Year and Posting Periods in SAP is crucial for maintaining accurate financial records.  By defining fiscal year variants correctly and configuring posting period controls, organizations can ensure smooth financial operations and compliance with accounting regulations.


Q1. What is the difference between a fiscal year variant and a posting period variant?

A fiscal year variant defines the financial year structure, while a posting period variant determines which periods are open for posting transactions.

Q2. How many special periods can a fiscal year variant have?

SAP allows up to 4 special periods for adjustment postings at the year-end.

Q3. What happens if I try to post in a closed period?

SAP will generate an error message, preventing the transaction unless an authorized user opens the period.

Q4. Can I use different fiscal year variants for different company codes?

YYes, each company code can have a separate fiscal year variant based on its financial reporting needs.

Q5. What transaction code is used to configure posting periods in SAP?

Transaction code OB52 is used to open/close posting periods for different account types.

Q6. Can a company change its fiscal year variant?

Yes, but it requires careful configuration and should be done at the beginning of a new fiscal year to avoid reporting issues.

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SAP FI Month End and Year End Activities

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SAP Financial and Controlling Interview Questions, Certification and Configuration, Books

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