How is Park Invoice Different from other Invoice

How is park invoice differ from other invoice?

In Park document, enter the invoice data. It does not matter if:

- Your entries are complete or incomplete
- The balance of the document is zero or not

The system does not carry out any checks, as you can correct or add more information to a parked document later on.

In two scenerio, Invoice document will be parked.

1. An employee is interrupted or clarify certain issues  when entering an invoice. He or she can park the document and continue processing it later on with save at that stage without entering data twice.

2. Organizational process is in such a way that one employee parks invoices without checking them. Another employee then performs invoice verification and posts the parked documents, possibly after changing them

There is difference between Document "Park" and "Hold".

Hope it cleared the concept.


Is it possible to make the parking function automatic?

My client wants Invoices to be parked automatically after entering . It should not be available for payment.

Later on another person looks at all parked invoices, verify and release the same for payment run.

Mitesh V. Desai

I could not understand you a means of Automatic function. Duroing invoice entry you use /nMIRO or /nMRHR transaction code and for Invoice parking /nMIR7.

You can use Invoice verification in the background as customizing IMG-MM-LIV-define Automatic staus change.


My client’s requirement is very straight forward but I am not having the correct solution.

Client wants to enter invoice through MIRO which should be always parked on saving and not available for payment.

Later on another person  looks at all parked invoices and release it for payment manually.

Do you have any solution for this ?

Will you please let me know the detailed configuration settings for  Invoice verification in the background as customizing
IMG-MM-LIV-define Automatic staus change?

Mitesh V. Desai

Here is solution for your client's specific requirement.

1.Use TR "MIRO" for entering Invoice at first stage. Then click for "HOLD". It will create invoice document no.

2.Use TR "MIRO", Click on "Show Worklist". Search created invoice document no.  in "Held Documents" which will be under held invoice below "Worklist" .

3.Select that held invoice document and double click on it and "Simulate" as regular after checking  (e.g. other person).

4.Then Post/save it. After posting, refresh which will result that invoice document under held category is  disappered.

It will give what required by your clients as Document holding and posting  through MIRO. He can prepare so many documents under HOLD condition and post it later as and when required after editing or approving.


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