Common Mistakes You Can Avoid During Career Crisis

You've just been laid off or your business has taken a nose dive. Or you realize you need a change -- fast. Nearly everyone panics and makes at least one of these mistakes. You're not alone if you've been there!

1. Sign up for a resume mailing service. 

Employers may wonder, "Why would such a qualified candidate do this?" At a certain level you're expected to network. At any level it's a good way to find a new job.

2. Sign up for an expensive "new career" program. 

Spend thousands of dollars for a new career, from coaching to communications.

Instead, choose your path and then see if you really need training. Often you can be on your way for a few hundred dollars at a community college.

3. Accept a commission sales job if you've never sold anything and you even have trouble giving away a litter of kittens.

Go ahead if you want to try, but keep your resume out there. You may be a millionaire next time we talk. Or you may learn a lot but decide you need to move in a different direction.

4. Rely on executive recruiters. 

Recruiters work for employers, not clients. They get paid for matching the employers specifications, not getting creative, and they rarely offer career advice.

5. Embark on a search for meaning. 

If you have ample resources, a sabbatical may be a good investment of time, if you have a plan and a goal.

However, all those books on "Find the work you love" were written for readers who are not under pressure. Your first priority is to create a safety net, a buffer against financial and emotional disaster.

When you're adrift at sea, it's easy to grab for any floating object that appears to be a life raft. Unfortunately, you may find yourself clutching a piece of seaweed or a piece of shark with a full set of teeth. Help will come if you don't panic. And you're a better survivor than you ever expected.

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