The #1 eBay Title Strategy Secret:
And Why You Should Use It!
Gaining e-Bay exposure and placing high in the Google search engine rankings (1/3 of all Internet searchs are done at Google!). Simple? Yes! Almost always overlooked? Yes! Underutilized? Absolutely! Let's suppose you decide to sell Flutes (or any other product), and you want top search engine placement for key words describing your product. What would be the quickest way to do that? But there is a quicker way to get top search engine placement - and you don't even need a web site! Here's the secret. Instant Top Search Engine Placement Let's say you decide to sell Flutes. And you don't want to bother creating a web site - but you do want to have Internet sales and you do want people who search to quickly find your products (even though you don't have a web site). Here's how. If you go to and search for the key word 'flutes', you'll see the following: FLUTES - Great Deals on eBay - Click Here! - One Click from Google Search If you were to click that link, you'd see all items with the word 'flute' in the headline currently listed on eBay. If you had an item listed on eBay with the words 'flute' in the headline, and if someone searched for the key word 'flute', they would only be one mouse click away from finding your item for sale. This means that even if you don't have a web site, but do have an auction listing on eBay for 'Flute', you would have a higher search engine ranking than all other competing web sites. And you don't even need a web site to get this top ranking - just an auction listing on eBay! Not for everyone Unfortunately not every item or category of item searched for on will return a link to those items on eBay. So before you list your item on eBay just to take advantage of the Google ranking, be sure to search Google to see if the eBay link appears. And even if your product phrase does return a link to 'Low Prices on eBay', you'll want to check to see how many other items are listed in eBay within that category. If it is more than 100 - it may not be worth doing. But, if you do offer products within the niches and subniches that return the 'Low Prices on eBay' link on a Google search, and if those niches are not crowded with lots of items for sale, it is probably worth your while to place an auction listing on eBay for your product - just so you show up on the Google/eBay Link. This may not sound like much of a strategy . . . but look again at how it works. Search Google for 'Flute', click the 'low prices at eBay' link, and look at the products you found. Those companies who are offering those products got your attention with just two or three clicks - and they are offering exactly what you searched for (in this case 'flute'). Is that target marketing or what? Then consider all those companies that also offer Flutes, but don't have auction listings on eBay. You didn't see them did you? Because after you got to the eBay listings, there was really no reason to return to So the companies that had auction listings on eBay for the product you searched for on Google probably got your business (if you were interested in flutes). Even if they don't have a web site - they win. Leverage is everything - paying attention the overlooked and underutilized can make you a fortune.
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