Being an expert in any topics is a matter of perception. If you have obtain a degree from Stanford or Harvard, people automatically perceived you to be an expert in whatever subject you major in even if you did score well for the subject. Turning back to the online business, the same will happen if you can demonstrate expertise and provide some credentials, people are going to believe that you are the expert. So, how can you gain credentials online? The magic answer is to read, research, write and publish your written contents. That is why you need to focus on a single targeted opportunity in order for you to become an authority in your focus topic. Publish Content Publishing content related to your chosen field is the fastest way to gain online recognition for any expert topic of your choice. Without that Stanford or Harvard degree, you can start reading the tons of free information available on any online topic and you only need an hour each day for research. Once you are able to absorb, think deeply and master the information, you can start writing and publish articles, blog posts, videos or products based on your new knowledge. As your name keep appearing on the various posting that you have created, soon you will be recognize as an authority in your new chosen field. Bonuses As you continue to write and publish, you will begin to improve your expert knowledge and your website contents will grow more and more each day. As you start to publish consistently and include key words that the search engine value for your content, the search engine spiders will soon pick up your website to include it in their search results on your chosen topics. When this happen, it will lead to additional website traffic as people you have never met search online for answers to their problems in your niche area. If you had provided enough content targeted to their needs and especially if those visitors share your content online via social networks and other websites, the links will flow back to your original content. With more authority links, both the people and the search engines will start treating you like an expert and that is how you achieve success and make money online. Solve Problems Perfection of a niche subject takes time and you don't need to worry too much about impressing your visitors with your credentials because people are more interested in you helping them solve their problem than in investigating you. Those web visitors who come to your website want you to help them find a date, learn how to cure their back pain, finding good deals on furniture or how to take better care of their pets or house plants. The real focus of your web customers is finding the best solution to their problems and many newbies never pay attention to this and that is why 95% of businesses online never make a dime. Professional Looking Site Many online business failure can be traced down to un-professional looking website. What is important as an expert is to have a professional looking website and be credible enough yourself so that you do not distract them from their purchase process which the customer has already decided to enter. When you go for your job interview, your first impression counts and the same will happen in the online word. If your website is looks credible, then your product will be perceived as credible. Appearance drives your perception and your credibility derives from that, not the other way around. About Page People who wish to purchase from you will want to know more about you and your team if any. Your about page should contains information like:
Conclusion Establishing yourself as an expert through publishing or an expert speaker require you to spend time doing research and absorbing the necessary knowledge. Your education level does not matter but your publish work do. There are plenty of opportunities for you to make money if you are willing to put in the time and effort to establish yourself as an expert in whatever niche you wish to target. |
Many businesses already exist today and you are likely to failed in your venture if you just target the general market. There are no easy ways to find your own niche business. However, it is necessary that we find our own niche....... The real secret of those who are successful in their home business have mastered the art of making huge amounts of money on the internet is that they are doing something they enjoy everyday. They have chosen a hobby or pastime....... Everyone who are new to working from home online like to ask this question: Can you make real money working from home? Here are some answers for your question....... | Stay At Home Business
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