One great thing about writing a free ebook is that you become an expert in your chosen subject matter. Furthermore, people are generally more willing to purchase from someone they consider to be an expert. Giving away an ebook you have written is one of the best ways to get free advertisement for your saleable products and services. There are numerous reasons why anyone selling on the internet should write an ebook. I will elaborate on just a few. Get Traffic to Your Website We live in an information world and people want as much information as they can get to help them out in their day to day living. By writing an ebook you provide information that people need. The subject does not matter as long as its on something people want to know about. Now here is how it benefits you as a internet marketer. Ebooks whether free or paid bring traffic to your website. Free ebooks however, bring enormous traffic to your website because people are always looking for free valuable information. Advertisment for Other Products Giving away an ebook you have written is one of the best ways to get free advertisment for your saleable products and services. You can make good money by adding affiliate links to products your are selling. Each time someone purchases via your links, you get paid. You Become an Instant Expert The Great thing about writing an ebook is that you become an expert in your chosen subject matter. People are generally more willing to purchase from someone they consider to be an expert. The recommendation of an author is believed to be more valuable than that of someone who has never written on a particular subject. That's why experts make a lot more money than others. Allow Your Ebook to Become Viral Allow other people give away your ebook. This will increase visitors to your website. Now here's something you can do to make some real good money. If you have a product you have created or have exclusive rights to then what you need to do is set up an affiliate program for your product. Place a link inside your free ebook to that product. Direct people to join your affiliate program and allow them to modify the link to their affiliate link. By doing this you create sales and increase your affiliate network. Build Your Subscriber List By giving away a free ebook you can grab new leads to promote your business too. When people sign up to get your free ebook they are required to give their contact information before the ebook can be downloaded. The one thing most internet marketers will tell you is that the money is in the list. Every time you give away your free ebook, you increase the size of your email list. Conclusion Every internet marketer should write an ebook. I have listed just a few of the reasons why. You can build a very lucrative business around ebooks you write. Just remember that giving away an ebook can help make you loads of money.
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