Webster defines an expert as "a person with knowledge or expertise; expert". But frankly that's too easy. Webster also defines expert as "a teacher and especially intellectual guide in matters of fundamental concern". Better, but still too easy. Webster's third definition is "one who is an acknowledged leader or chief proponent". That's better. That's a good target for us to aspire to. But just as the definition started with knowledge your search for the essential "expertise" needs to begin with knowledge and experience in your chosen niche. To become a real guru means that you need to develop knowledge and expertise further in your chosen niche. Hopefully, you are past that point. In fact, hopefully, you have selected your niche because you have a passion for that niche. And if you have a passion, you already will have willingly developed knowledge and expertise in that niche. The trick is to continue to do so. Why? Because you need to stay ahead of your customers! Plus, of course, you have a passion for the knowledge and that's self-supporting. (There you go, always being positive. I still prefer the first answer.) Next, you need to go beyond the "expert as knowledgeable" level. And the next definition is a perfect place to get to. You need to raise your essential "expert knowledge" to that of a "teacher and intellectual guide". And that's where an eBook first makes its appearance. You see instructional eBooks are a great way to teach your followers. They allow you to guide and discuss your thoughts -- both how and why -- in various levels of detail. And they really aren't that difficult to create. They don't need you to have great screen presence. Or a bedroom and boring voice. Or know how to design webinars. And there's an even more important value to them. Do you remember the third definition? The one that went "one who is an acknowledged leader or chief proponent". To become a chief proponent or an acknowledged leader you need to build a reputation. You need to show people that you are knowledgeable in the niche. That you know as much or more than most of your peers. An eBooks borrow credibility from their paper cousins. An eBook is first and foremost a reputation builder. More than any other digital product. Being able to claim that you have a best selling book on the subject can turn you from merely knowledgeable into a guru.
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