Your e-Book - 7 Best Reasons to Create Your First e-Book

1) Speed to market - One of the biggest problems with regular books in the book store is that you have to get the book in the bookstore (a publisher or distribution house) and then you have to get the book out of the bookstore (people buying your book). This process from conception of idea to sale of your book can take years. With an e-Book the process from conception to sale can be done in days.

2) Ratio of cost to profit - You can spend hundreds and even thousands of dollars getting your book published. Then you may get $1 - $2 profit a book. Once you have the necessary software, the only thing that creating an e-book will cost you is time and effort. Because you are selling information in the form of electrons over the internet, you get all the profit.

3) An e-book increases your "expert-ability" - The written word creates credibilty and expert status. Once you have written just one small e-book, you can include "Author of...................." for the rest of your career and life.

4) An e-book is a "gem" of a prospect generator - At we teach in the Get Clients - Full Practice Training tele-classes the importance of having a gem to offer prospects. A free e-book can become your signature call to action (your main gem) that encourages prospects will give you their contact information in order to receive your information.

5) It's simple when you know how - and easy to learn. Once you know the simple steps, you can do it as many times as you want. You may have heard me say before that "if you can write a 7 - 10 item grocery list, you can write an article." It's true. Here is what an e-book is, boiled down to the basics - write 7 tips in your area of expertise - take a tip and add some meat to it with explanation, example, story and application - do this for all 7 tips and you have a 7 chapter e-book, just add an introduction and conclusion.

6) An e-book never sleeps - Because an e-book is sold and delivered on the internet, you have a 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, worldwide product. And as if that is not enough, when you include other ways to contact you, engage you, and spend money with you, you then have a 24/7 international salesperson that never sleeps.

7) Massive leverage - Here are just a few of the products you can turn an e-book into - a CD package, an audio on your website, small articles on your website and newsletter, and other peoples websites and newsletters, an e-program, a workbook in a home study course, etc. And that's just the beginning.

Next eBook Article:
How Using A Drop Capital Increased My Ebook Sales By 40%
How Does The Drop Capital Increase Readership?  Drop capitals seem to work in the same way that images do. In that they catch the readers eye as they scan the page.  The big capital letter drops down inside......

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