What are dynamic actions in
Dynamic Action Dynamic actions are basically controls which can be initiated after certain actions during employee maintenance or personal actions. This is mostly configurable using standard utilities provided by SAP unless there is a special requirement where you need to develop a function module with specific program logic, which can be called during any specific infotype maintenance to create/update or any other specific actions on other infotypes. Most of the requirements can be configured using the table T588Z or under SPRO: Personnel Management -> Personnel Administration -> Customizing Procedure -> Dynamic Actions Here, you control the initiation of actions when maintaining an infotype record. This can be the maintenance of an additional infotype record or performing a routine. For each action, you can determine whether it is always carried out when you change an info type or a subtype or whether it is only carried out if you change certain fields. You can state whether the action is to be carried out for "Change", "Create" and/or "Delete" record. You can store the conditions for executing the action , for example, the comparison of the old and new value of a field. Finally, you can also specify default values for a record that is to be created. Automatic Triggering/Populating of Infotypes When Certain nfotypes are Dynamically Maintained, Table = T588Z In Summary: Dynamic actions are a great tool to make infoytpe maintenance easier. When you create an infotype you can create another one automatically for example. Dynamic actions work for both master data and applicant data infotypes. It is basically a view on table T588Z you can reach via IMG - Personnel management - Personnel administration - Customize procedures - Dynamic actions. The table view looks like this: Infotype - Subtype - Field - Function code - Number - Step - Variable function part The infotype, subtype and field determine what should be created, filled, modified and so on. The function code determines when something should happen. It can have the following values: 02 - Change record 04 - Create record 08 - Delete record These values can be added so e.g. 06 means change record + create record. Remember - this only tells us when something should be done. The number simply tells us which step is first and which next. I recommend to go by 10's (10, 20, 30,40...), this makes it easier if you later on want to fill something in. The step determines what should be done. It can have 6 values: P - check conditions under which something is done I - maintain infotype record W - set default values for new record V - Reference to another step F - call a routine M - send mail |
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