Explain what is time constraint.
Time constraint is used to describe each infotype those are namely start date, end date of the storing record or information in infotype. With these dates we can provide time information. For example Education detail In a certain specific period we can do more than one course in parallel and also there exist some gaps in between courses. And also infotypes can be described according to the frequency
with which they occurs. For example there is information that can only
occur once during a specific period and there is also information that
can only occur once during any period.
A time constraint indicates whether more than one infotype record may be available at one time. The following time constraint indicators are permissible: 1 = An infotype record must be available at all times. This record may have no time gaps. You may not delete the record last stored on the database because all records of this infotype would otherwise be deleted. Infotype 0000 (actions), infotype 0001 (organizational assignment) are few examples for TC 1 2 = Only one record may be available at one time, but time gaps are permitted. Infotype 0025 (appraisals) is an example for TC 2 3 = Any number of records may be valid at one time, and time gaps are permitted. Infotype 0022 (Education) is an example for TC 3
Other possible time constraint indicators are as follows: A = Only one record may ever exist for this infotype. It is valid from 01/01/1800 to 12/31/9999. Splitting is not permissible. View V_T582B Infotypes which are Created Automatically controls whether the system automatically creates the infotype record for an employee hiring or an applicant data entry action. Infotypes with time constraint A may not be deleted. Infotype 0003 (Payroll status) is an example for TC A. There can be only one record for an employee B = Only one record may ever exist for this infotype. It is valid from 01/01/1800 to 12/31/9999. Splitting is not permissible. Infotypes with time constraint B may be deleted. T = The time constraint varies depending on the subtype. Z: Refers to time management infotypes. The time constraint for these infotypes depends on the time constraint class defined in view V_T554S_I Absence: General Control. Collision checks are defined in view V_T554Y Time Constraint Reaction. |
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