ACL Setting For User On Directory

If you're thinking of setting an acl for a specific user/group/other on linux you can issue the following:

$ setfacl -m <type>:<name>:<permission> <file|directory name>

So for example if wishing to grant Bob read, write, execute permissions on directory dir you would issue the following:

$ setfacl -m u:bob:rwx dir

To check Bob’s permissions you can use getfacl with the omit-headers flag which hides the first three lines showing the name, owner and group:

$ getfacl --omit-header dir






group writable web folders with setgid and ACL

Often times, there is need for web-accessible folders to be set up so all web-developers have write access.

Along with setgid option, ACL can be used so anyone in the group "web-developers"

would have write privileges to anything under web-accessible document root. 

So unless the acl privileges is revoked specifically, it would just continue to work.

To enable ACL, add "acl" option to /etc/fstab file for the corresponding partition and remount.

Edit /etc/fstab:

/dev/mapper/home /home           ext4    defaults,acl        0       2


# mount -o remount /home

Here is the commands to be used for the setup:

# groupadd developers

# chgrp -R developers /path/to/docroot

# find /path/to/docroot -type d -exec chmod g+s {} \;

# find /path/to/docroot -type d -exec setfacl -m g:developers:rwx,d:g:developers:rwx {} \;

# find /path/to/docroot -type f -exec setfacl -m g:developers:rw {} \;

Now anyone needing write access can be put in the "developers" group.

# usermod -G developers {username}

If you need the webserver to have write access to certain folders, then chown the location to be owned by the webserver, instead of giving write permissions to all.

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See Also
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