Command's Purpose MS-DOS Linux Basic Linux Example Copies files copy cp cp thisfile.txt /home/thisdirectory Moves files
move mv
mv thisfile.txt /home/thisdirectory
Lists files dir ls ls Clears screen cls clear clear Closes prompt window exit exit exit Displays or sets date date date date Deletes files del rm rm thisfile.txt "Echoes" output echo echo echo this message Edits files edit pico[a] pico thisfile.txt Compares the contents fc diff diff file1 file2 Finds a string of text find grep grep this word or phrase thisfile.txt Creates a directory mkdir mkdir mkdir directory Screens through a file more less[d] less thisfile.txt Renames a file ren mv mv thisfile.txt thatfile.txt[e] Shows amount of RAM mem free procinfo Check Disk chkdsk df df
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