Tell me the 5 differences between Linux and Unix?
2. Linux is a good desktop OS while UNIX lacks the user friendliness needed for general computing. 3. UNIX is intended for mainframes and high end computers and cannot run on mos PCs while Linux can go from mainframes down to low end personal computers. 4. UNIX is proprietary while Linux is shared using the Licensing of the GNU. 5. Linux file system is ext3. 6. Selinux enabled on linux 7. Linux using advanced file editor like vim.
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How to check all open ports on linux machine and block unsed ports? Answer
to verfy the open ports
How can you see all mounted drives? Answer
What restrict telnet for root itself but allow for other user? Answer
auth required
pam_securetty.so== 1st line
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What is difference between $@ and $* in UNIX Shell script. Answer
$@: each quoated string treated as a separate argument
$*: stores the complete set of positional parameters as
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