Installing Firefox

I'm new to linux and don't no anything about it. when i try to install firefox by double clicking the firefox-installer-bin file, it takes me through the process where i select the directory and stuff and then when its supposed to actually install it, it quits. im not logged in as root rite now, but same thing happens when i am logged in as root too. oh yeah, btw, how do i create an account with administrator rights? so that i have access to to edit all files?


I am a linux newbie to, but I think that when who login as root that is the administrator account. When you login as root and only root you have access to the whole system. That is why linux prompts you to create a regular user account so that the potential for messing things up (by you and by attacks) decreases.
Might be a stupid question but you are downloading the firefox installer for linux and not for windows or mac right?


I had troubles installing Firefox on SuSE 9.1 as well but eventually I had to manually install various packaged and I was able to get it completed. What would I do without my gmail on linux... (not supported with konq).
I'd suggest sticking with the command line if you need administrative privileges. Stay logged in with your personal user account but when you need to start changing file permissions or edit various files, just use the substitue user command to switch to the root in that one terminal, then su back when you're done.

$su root

Or you can just type $su and specify no username and it assumes you're trying to switch to root.

Or of course you could log into your user account via the default virtual console then switch to virtual console 1 and login as root there. There are many options=)

I'm still kind of a newbie but I consider myself above average now.


Logged in as root, download Firefox (Click "Download Now!"), go to a command prompt, change the directory to where this downloaded file exists ("cd directory") and then follow the directions (from the Mozilla Firefox webpage):
# tar -xzvf firefox-0.9.3-i686-linux-gtk2+xft.tar.gz
# cd firefox-0.9.3-i686-linux-gtk2+xft/
# ./firefox-installer

If/when this fails, what is the output to the console (below "./firefox-installer")?

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