Linux Certification Question

The following a list of certification questions for Linux: 

1. As root, what command would you type to initiate a password change for user “lanka”? 

A. passwd lanka 
B. password lanka 
C. user lanka 

2. DNS provides ________ to IP address mappings. 

A. NETBIOS name 
B. host name 
C. MAC address 

3. What run level represents multi-user? 

A. 3 
B. 0 
C. 1 
D. 5 

4. What option is used with the useradd command to specify the user's user id? 

A. -u 
B. -s 
C. -ui 
D. –id 

5. What file does init processes use as its control file? 

A. /etc/inittab 
B. /etc/proc 
C. /etc/init 
D. /etc/initproc 

6. What option is used with the useradd command to specify the user's login shell? 

A. -s 
B. -l 
C. -u 
D. –sh 

7. What run level represents a power down? 

A. 5 
B. 0 
C. 1 
D. 4 

8. What run level represents a system reboot? 

A. 6 
B. 1 
C. 2 
D. 5 

9. Which of the following will copy file1.txt to file2.txt? Choose Two. 

A. cat file1.txt | file2.txt 
B. cp file1.txt > file2.txt 
C. cp file1.txt file2.txt 
D. cpio < file1.txt > file2.txt 

10 . What command will show the last 10 lines of a file by default? 

A. tail 
B. head 
C. cat 
D. prstat 

11. Describe the following things with Examples 


12. What is configuration file of Postfix? 

13. What is the DNS server using for Linux? And write the types of DNS severs 

14. What is the repository list file for use APT? ( full path) 

15. Assume you need to install postfix, write the command to install postfix. 

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