Below is a listing of each of the Linux commands and a brief explanation of what each of the commands do. This is a full listing which means not all the below commands will work with your distribution and may also not work because of your privileges. Command Description a2p Creates a Perl script from an awk script. ac Prints statistics about users' connect time. alias Create a name for another command or long command ar Maintain portable archive or library. arch Display the architecture of the current host. arp Manipulate the system ARP cache. as An assembler. at Command scheduler. awk Awk script processing program. basename Deletes any specified prefix from a string. bash Command Bourne interpreter bc Calculator. bdiff Compare large files. bfs Editor for large files. bg Continues a program running in the background. biff Enable / disable incoming mail notifications. break Break out of while, for, foreach, or until loop. bs Battleship game. bye Alias often used for the exit command. cal Calendar calendar Display appointments and reminders. cancel Cancels a print job. cat View and/or modify a file. cc C compiler. cd Change directory. chdir Change directory. checkeq Language processors to assist in describing equat checknr Check nroff and troff files for any errors. chfn Modify your own information or if super user or r chgrp Change a groups access to a file or directory. chkey Change the secure RPC key pair. chmod Change the permission of a file. chown Change the ownership of a file. chsh Change login shell. cksum Display and calculate a CRC for files. clear Clears screen. cls Alias often used to clear a screen. cmp Compare files. col Reverse line-feeds filter. comm Compare files and select or reject lines that are compress Compress files on a computer. continue Break out of while, for, foreach, or until loop. copy Copy files. cp Copy files. cpio Creates archived CPIO files. crontab Create and list files that you wish to run on a r csh Execute the C shell command interpreter csplit Split files based on context. ctags Create a tag file for use with ex and vi. cu Calls or connects to another Unix system, termina curl Transfer a URL. cut Cut out selected fields of each line of a file. date Tells you the date and time in Unix. dc An arbitrary precision arithmetic package. df Display the available disk space for each mount. deroff Removes nroff/troff, tbl, and eqn constructs. dhclient Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol Client. diff Displays two files and prints the lines that are dig DNS lookup utility. dircmp Lists the different files when comparing director dirname Deliver portions of path names. dmesg Print or control the kernel ring buffer. dos2unix Converts text files between DOS and Unix formats. dpost Translates files created by troff into PostScript du Tells you how much space a file occupies. echo Displays text after echo to the terminal. ed Line oriented file editor. edit Text editor. egrep Search a file for a pattern using full regular ex elm Program command used to send and receive e-mail. emacs Text editor. enable Enables / Disables LP printers. env Displays environment variables. eqn Language processors to assist in describing equat ex Line-editor mode of the vi text editor. exit Exit from a program, shell or log you out of a Un expand Expand copies of file s. expr Evaluate arguments as an expression. fc The FC utility lists or edits and re-executes, co fg Continues a stopped job by running it in the fore fgrep Search a file for a fixed-character string. file Tells you if the object you are looking at is a f find Finds one or more files assuming that you know th findsmb List info about machines that respond to SMB name finger Lists information about the user. fmt Simple text formatters. fold Filter for folding lines. for Shell built-in functions to repeatedly execute ac foreach Shell built-in functions to repeatedly execute ac fromdos Converts text files between DOS and Unix formats. fsck Check and repair a Linux file system. ftp Enables ftp access to another terminal. getfacl Display discretionary file information. gprof The gprof utility produces an execution profile o grep Finds text within a file. groupadd Creates a new group account. groupdel Enables a super user or root to remove a group. groupmod Enables a super user or root to modify a group. gunzip Expand compressed files. gview A programmers text editor. gvim A programmers text editor. gzip Compress files. Have a Linux Problem
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