Multiple Domain Settings in Openwebmail

How To Setup Multiple Domain Settings In Openwebmail?

I have openwebmail install and working fine for single domain.  How can I setup single openwebmail for 3 domains?

cat /etc/mail/local-host-names

I am using sendmail + openwebmail on CentOS 5


Enter the /var/www/cgi-bin/openwebmail/etc/sites.conf directory and create config files for every domain you use or want to enable for your virtual users...


auth_withdomain yes
mailspooldir /var/spool/virtual/
use_syshomedir no
use_homedirspools no
enable_autoreply no
enable_setforward no
enable_vdomain yes
vdomain_vmpop3_pwdpath /etc/virtual
vdomain_vmpop3_pwdname passwd
vdomain_vmpop3_mailpath /var/spool/virtual

and do the same with etc...etc and with all your domains

Openwebmail Installation Problem 

I am in a problem while installing openwebmail in my Fedora 9 pc.

After I have edited openwebmail.conf and auth_unix.conf file I am on try to initialize openwebmail on my linux pc it says " -bash : /var/www/cgi-bin/openwebmail/ /usr/bin/suidperl: bad interpreter: No such file or directory. Command I used "/var/www/cgi-bin/openwebmail/ --init".


You need to install the suid-perl package, because openwebmail use this instead of the regular perl to run scripts.

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