Remove Old Files From Directory


I'm looking for a perl script or bash to delete ALL files from a folder and all subfolders, but it should NOT delete any folders & subfolders.


Well it could look something like this if it was run from in the directory that you want to remove the contents from.


 rm */*/*/*
 rm */*/*
 rm */*
 rm *

This goes down three levels plus the origional directory.

But be carful with the 'rm' command once used there is no getting it back.


If you can find a way of skipping directories with: 


rm -rf directory/*


Easy, no perl needed, just one line bash. Make sure you run it in the directory you want to have your files (only) removed


find . -type f -exec rm -rf {} \;


This code was originally written to delete all folders and subfolders with in a directory. Commenting out rmdir can suit your need.

deldir("test"); # or deldir($ARGV[0]) to make it commandline

sub deldir {
my $dirtodel = pop;
my $sep = '\\'; #change this line to "/" on linux.
opendir(DIR, $dirtodel);
my @files = readdir(DIR);

@files = grep { !/^\.{1,2}/ } @files;
@files = map { $_ = "$dirtodel$sep$_"} @files;
@files = map { (-d $_)?deldir($_):unlink($_) } @files;


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