Running RPM upgrade question
RH 8.0 Following gcc packages are running on the
I need to upgrade all of them to;
However they need following dependencies;
That means they are all inter-related.
Can I perform upgrade collectively, i.e. # rpm -Uvh gcc-3.2.2-5.i386.rpm
If OK, I will keep all of them in a folder namely
# rpm -Uvh --test /home/gcc_pkg/* to perform test-installation first and then # rpm -Uvh /home/gcc_pkg/* OR is there any other solution
You can install multiple RPMs in one command, or you could use the --nodeps
and --force switches, or as you are using redhat you could use yum or apt-get
to automatically resolve the dependencies for you. Then all you would need
to do is type somethingg like:
Tks for your advice. Have upgraded all gcc packages including relevant dependencies with # rpm -Fvh /home/gcc_pkg/*.rpm They are running without problem, at least up-to-now. The packages were downloaded from RH9 What will be the difference in function between
I have been considering
but have no confidence whether all gcc packages will be upgraded to above gcc-3.2.2 version which is needed. One further question is there anyway to roll back in case of need without going through # rpm -e gcc_new_pkg
--nodeps just skips dependency checking where as --force replaces the
files even if the package is already installed.
Noted with thanks
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