Share a Folder in Novell Linux
Server 9
Need to share a folder in Novell Linux Server 9 and
I want to see it from AIX machine ... (Read, Write, Delete) ... like file
sharing with 2 Windows PC´s ...
You can use nfs: add this line to /etc/exports on the linux computer (or on the AIX one, but the syntax MAY be different - don't know): /,no_root_squash) (note the space between the slash and the number) ("/" is the mounted partition that is being shared, "" is the ip address of the PC where it can be mounted, aka the other machine, and the rest allows for full access to it from that other computer) Restart the nfs daemon (service) on that machine (possibly with "service nfs restart"). If nfs is loaded upon boot, simply reboot (assuming you don't know how to restart the daemon). Now, on the other computer, mount it: # mkdir /mountpoint (mkdir line only required the first time) # mount /mountpoint (note the space between the slashes) Good luck.
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