Shutting Down, Rebooting
Users and Groups
Shutting Down and Rebooting
Log out current user
reboot a machine
reboot or shutdown -r
You must halt a system to turn it off
/sbin/halt then power the box off or shutdown -h now
Start the next X window session on the display
Users and Groups
Add a user to system
usage: adduser userid
useradd is also acceptable
Create a new group on the system
Show which groups you are in
Prints list of users on the system
Change group associated with a file. Can be used to change
the group associated with subdirectories and files of a directory
usage: chgrp group files
or: chgrp -R group files
Change ownership of a file. Can be used recursively.
usage: chown userid files
or: chown -R userid files
Change login password
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