Question 1:
I want to create a user. Lets call him Bob. I want Bob to be able to ftp into my ftp server. He should be immediately put into the /upload folder and then only have access to upload files, not download anything from inside of there. Answer 1: user_config_dir This powerful option allows the override of any config option specified in the manual page, on a per-user basis. Usage is simple, and is best illustrated with an example. If you set user_config_dir to be /etc/vsftpd_user_conf and then log on as the user "chris", then vsftpd will apply the settings in the file /etc/vsftpd_user_conf/chris for the duration of the session. The format of this file is as detailed in this manual page! PLEASE NOTE that not all settings are effective on a per-user basis. For example, many settings only prior to the user's session being started. Examples of settings which will not affect any behviour on a per-user basis include listen_address, banner_file, max_per_ip, max_clients, xferlog_file, etc. Default: (none) Note: In the user conf for bob allow uploads, set root to the
upload folder and permit write only no read to it.
Question 2: Linux Create An FTP User Account Now your FTP server is up and running. It is time to add additional users to FTP server so that they can login into account to upload / download files. Answer 2: To add a user called tom and set the password, enter: # adduser -c 'FTP USER Tom' -m tom
Now tom can login using our ftp server. Make sure the following is set in vsftpd.conf local_enable=YESRestart the vftpd: # service vsftpd restart |
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