How to configure the system for automatic conversion
of Purchase Requisition to Purchase Order?
Ensure automatic purchase order field in Material Master (purchasing view) and Vendor Master is ticked,Maintain the source list for respective materials and vendor. Also maintain correct data at the MRP views. On the MRP run system will generate purchase requisitions for the following materials. Using T-code ME59 conversion of purchase requisition to Purchase orders is possible. What are the configuration for automatic creation and selection of storage locations in Inventory Management? Auto creation of storage location in inventory management can be created with respect to the movement type and plant.Using t-code OBM2/OBM3. For automatic storage location selection, storage location data can be specified in procurement storage location field of MRP view in Material master and Issue storage location field in Bill Of Material. How to maintain automatic determination of G/L accounts during GR/GI/Transfer posting? Automatic account determination of GL account can be maintained using T-code OBYC by specifying GL code for specific valuation class within the posting key(TE-KEY) maintained for respective movement types. What is the difference between selection parameter WE101 and WE103? To optimize internal processes, you regularly create list displays to inform yourself about the status of your purchase orders, info records, and other documents in the system. You are checking the purchase orders issued over the past 24 months. you are primarily interested in POs against which no goods receipts have been entered. Choose the scope of list BEST_ALV, so that the list of selected purchase orders is displayed with ALV Grid Control. Choose Logistics --> Materials Management --> Purchasing
--> Purchase Order --> List Displays --> For Vendor (ME2L).
What is the diffrence between XD01, XK01 & MK01? Knowing that all the above tx codes are used to create vendor. There are 3 t-codes by which you can create vendor: XK01 is for centrally creating vendor where all data are
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