What is the transaction code
for configuring and selecting the views of material master for the particular
In T.Code: OMS2, we can configure Material type & the relevant views in it. However, while creating Material master, we should select only the required views & maintain appropriate data. MM01 - Create material MM02 - Change material MM03 - Display material
Views in material master: 1) Basic data 1 2) Basic data 2 3) Classification 4) Sales: Sales org data 1 5) Sales: Sales org data 2 6) Sales: General/Plant data 7) Foreign trade: Export data 8) Sales text 9) Purchasing 10) Foreign trade: Import data 11) Purchase order text 12) MRP 1 13) MRP 2 14) MRP 3 15) MRP 4 16) Forecasting 17) Work scheduling 18) Production resources/Tools 19) General plant data/Storage 1 20) General plant data/Storage 2 21) Quality management 22) Accounting 1 23) Accounting 2 24) Costing 1 25) Costing 2 26) Plant stock 27) Storage location stock
Select the organization levels for which you want the data to be created/changed/displayed in the selected views. Basic Data 1 General Data: Base unit of measure = Unit of measure in which stocks of the material are managed. You define the base unit of measure and also alternative units of measure and their conversion factors in the material master record. Ex: piece(s), gram, second, pound Material group = Key that you use to group together several materials or services with the same attributes Ex: metal processing, steel, electronics, mechanics, casing, monitor, hard disks Old material number = Number under which you have managed the material so far or still manage it, for example, in another system or card index Division = A way of grouping materials, products or services.
The systems uses divisions to determine the sales areas and the business
areas for a material, product or service
Material Authorization Group: Authorization group = The authorization group enables
you to protect access to certain objects
Dimensions: Gross weight, Net weight, Volume, Weight unit, Volume unit Basic Data 2
Other Data: Basic material = Basic constituent of the material Standard desc. = Description of the material in accordance
with the appropriate industry standard (ANSI or ISO)
Environment: DG indicator profile = Alphanumeric key that uniquely
identifies the dangerous goods profile
Design Documents Assigned: No link = To create links to drawings/documents in the
document management system, select Extras  Document data
Drawing: Document (without document management system) = Number
of the drawing that exists for the object
Sales: Sales Org 1
General Data: Base unit of measure, Material group, Division, Delivering
Tax Data: Country, Tax category, Tax classification
Quantity Stipulation: Min order qty, Min delivery qty, Delivery unit
Sales: Sales Org 2 Material statistics group (whether relevant for statistics
or not), Account assignment group, item category group, product hierarchy.
Sales: general/plant Availability check, transportation group (a grouping of materials that share the same route and transportation requirements), loading group (group sharing same loading reqts, combined with shipping conditions and delivering plant determines shipping point for the item), material group: shipping materials (groups together materials which require similar shipping materials. MRP1 MRP type, reorder point (if the qty falls below this point, the system flags the material for requirements planning), Lot size (procedure to calculate the qty procured or produced). MRP2 GR processing time (number of workdays required after receipt of the material for its inspection and placement into storage), planned delivery time (no of days needed to obtain the material or service if it is procured externally), safety stock (qty whose purpose is to satisfy unexpectedly high demand in the coverage period). MRP3 Strategy group (the strategy group groups all the planning strategies that can be used for a particular material), availability check, total replenishment lead time (In an availability check where the system takes the replenishment lead time into consideration, it only checks whether there are sufficient incoming qtys and stocks available to cover the reqts within the replenishment lead time) Plant data/storage 1 Unit of issue (maintain if only different from the base unit of measure), temperature conditions, storage conditions, container requirements. Accounting 1 Currency, valuation class (depends on material type), price control (S = Standard or M = Moving average price) |
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