How can we post more than 333 line items in PO
& MIGO ?
Answer: There is a limitation on the # of line items in PO as well as MIGO, because for every line item it creates 3 entries in FI. If you want to post more than 333 line items in PO & MIGO then follow the below steps: SAP's note 117708 provides a modification. Via the summarization you can post documents with more than 999 items in FI. The modification required for this is small, in addition
you have to change 2 tables. The modification is carried out in FI not
in invoice verification.
- The changes are described in Note 36353 and for the modification in Note 77161. You may also have to apply Note 67640 so that the document summarization affects inventory management. An advice for the notes: 36353 : Solution point 3: Field name WERKS 77161 : Solution point
2: Maintain table TTYPV with Transaction SE16
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