1) How can we track requisitions that have the deletion
indicator set? Can we track the date in which the deletion indicator was
A: You can refer the change document tables cdpos and cdhdr. You can also refer Transaction ME53 under menu path goto-statistics-changes, where the complete audit trails of changes, including deletion are stored. 2) Is it possible to generate Purchase requisition (PR) with reference to Scheduling Agreement? A: PR can be created with reference to another PR and cannot be created referencing a PO or Scheduling agreements. PO & Scheduling are created and controlled by purchasing organizations. PR can be created by even end users. For creating PR with reference to another PR, follow the menu path: Purchasing->Requisition->Create. Requisition->Copy reference and enter. However requirement can be generated with reference to Scheduling agreement when MRP is run. For this to happen, source list has to be maintained for that item-vendor combination and the MRP shall be properly set. 3) Where can I locate the latest Purchase Order price and the latest purchase order number for a material? A: Logistics-Material Management-Purchasing-Master data-Info record-List display-Order Price History 4) Automatic generation of PO is by using 'Automatic Via Purchase Requisition' option in purchasing-Requisition-Follow on Functions- Create PO. However PO cannot be created automatically after MRP run. Is there a provision in SAP to release Purchase Orders automatically after MRP run? A: Tick the automatic PO and Source List fields in purchase view of the material master for the vendors on whom you would like to release PO automatically. Create a purchase info record. Create source list. In the last column in the details screen of the source list check the field relevant for MRP set the correct parameters for running MRP. But PO cannot be created automatically after MRP run. The automatic PO creation flag enables you to run a batch job that will convert all selected Purchase Requisitions to be converted Purchase Orders in the background. You may consider scheduling agreements if you want MRP to kick out Purchase Orders. Set the flag in the source list for the scheduling agreement to "2" enabling MRP to kick out delivery schedules for future requirements. If you want to fix the schedule within a certain period you have two options. 1. Using firm zone - firms all orders within this period . Refer additional data screen of the scheduling agreement at the vendor material level. 2. Planning time - all new orders outside of the planning time fence - refer MRP 1 view of the material master. 5) I would like Convert MRP generated 100 PRs into 100 POs automatically. Not one by one manually. Is it possible? A: Use transaction ME59 6) How can I print an Un-invoiced Receipts Report which shows Purchase Orders for which goods are received , but not yet invoiced ? We require this report with sub-totals and tied to Un-invoiced Receipts G/L Account. A: Report RM07MSAL analyses GR/IR balances according to goods received but not invoiced and invoices received where good have not been fully delivered. 7) How can I calculate the net price of an inforecord for a given date? A: Run price simulation in the LIS-Purchasing on the Vendor-info
record and Specify the required date.
8) Can we release a Purchase Order with price equals zero? ( like in SD- free of charge sales Order) A: Create the PO with IR field un-ticked in Item Detail screen and change the line item price to 0. 9) The net price is calculated by summing up the gross price condition type and subtracting /adding all discount/surcharge type condition types respectively. Any condition type which is not marked as statistical will be considered for net price calculation. We have a surcharge that is not marked as statistical and should be included in the net price but excluded in the taxation base value. Can I have a procedure where the taxes are calculated on the net price calculated till the condition type NAVS and then have this additional surcharge type? A: Create Pricing Schema with all condition not marked in Statistical column if you need all condition Record to be calculated. For Example : Level CondTy Description From To
With this Schema:
Total amount will be calculated from net amount and Tax. So, ZDIS will included in Net Amount and excluded for Tax. 10) Can we change the name of the Vendor in a PO released on another Vendor? A: NO. You may create another PO on the vendor required by referencing any PO . 11) We want to return unused material procured from a vendor and update stock or expense Account. How 11)to do this effectively? A:
2. Special movement type has to be setup if the PO is not known. The price may have to be negotiated with vendor. 12) How do I define a new currency ? How can I set number of decimal places more than two? A: Define a new currency in Customizing with transaction OY03 If you change the current currency all of your accounting documents will be re-evaluated by R3 and this could cause adverse effects to your financials. Use transaction
Create MM documents with the new extended price. However you notice that accounting documents will still reflect the 2 digit price and rounded to the nearest 1/100th. 13) Our supplier delivers his product for an Auction. We sell it in auction and pay the supplier. What is the best way to handle this? A: You can try consignment process. In this process, Vendor holds the goods until they are sold. The price to the supplier can be reset when the goods are sold in settle consignment liabilities. 14) How can I open a previous MM period? A: Transaction - MMPV
15) We can make a particular indicator mandatory. Can I have a defaulted value for the indicator while creating Material master that can be changed later in MM02? A: Try using transaction variant, transaction code SHDO. And then SE93. In SE93 choose the option of variant transaction. 16) How can I generate a report of cancelled PO? A1: Use a Query with table EKKO whose field LOEKZ is the deletion indicator. A2: Go to the initial screen of purchasing. Then go to PURCHASING -> LIST DISPLAYS -> BY PO NUMBER -> EDIT -> DYNAMIC SELECTION. This allows you to select certain fields from the EKKO table and EKPO table. Deletion indicator can also be seen here. Use 'dynamic selections' to determine your selection criteria and run the report. A3: You can also do this via the IMG Go to Transaction OMEM or Menu path - MM -> Purchasing
-> Reporting -> Maintain Purchasing Lists
17) How can we detect a change in a Purchase Order? A: For Header level changes: Go to Header -> Statistics
-> Changes
18) We want to pop-up a screen to show the total value of PO before saving the PO so that user can decide whether to save the PO or discard it. What is the best way? A: Try using EXIT_SAPLEINS_001. It is entered during the saving operation of a PO . You can review the PO , present a popup dialog using one of the POPUP_* functions enabling the user to decide either to save or abort the PO . 19) PO item text is being adopted from the Material master. The text has got adopted status and is not stored in the text ID tables STXH and STXL. Hence print program is not able to print these texts. How can we solve this? A: Purchase order texts can be adopted from Info record or material master. All the texts finally gets stored in table STXH with different text application objects. In case of PO header text it is EKKO and PO Item text it is EKPO. Even if the texts are adopted from either of these, there is a possibility that it can be altered at PO level. Here it will get stored with object EKKO or EKPO. There is no need to store this at PO level if there is no change made to the text at PO level,. Try these: Check for texts in EKKO or EKPO ( depending on header or item level) If no text gets returned back check in object EINA for info record or MATERIAL for material master long text.(table is same i.e. STXH) 20) While creating a purchase order we can see that there is the "Info rec. update" in the box item detail screen. How can we change the default setting for this box? A: In MM Purchasing configuration (use Transaction code: OMFI), you can assign the default value of info records update for buyers then assign it through parameter ID EVO (check the configuration documentation) |
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