I'm struck at creating the Purch
Organisation at Client level for the client purcahses. The purchasings
are done at the client (Group of company level). could any one let me know
how tocreate the Purchasing Org at client level.
The Purchasing Org at the client level is called Reference Purchasing Org. create a Purchasing Org and assign all the Pur Org to this Purchasing Org. This again depends on the requirement.......precisely tell me what is your requirement? Sumit
Ref Pur Org is not for the client
level purchases dear. Can you raise the PO with ref Pur Org. If at
all you try to raise what plant give in PO as with out plant you cannot
create PO.
P Rao
Ref Purchasing Org creates Contract and it is at the corporate/client level. Now, that contract is used by the respective Pur Org at the Company Code level. Now if you want to procure Computers for all the company code then you can do that like this: Suppose you have plants 1, 2,3,4. and company code a,b,c,d. Pur Org you have P1, P2, P3 and P4. Assign 1 to a, 2 to b, 3 to c and 4 to d. one plant has to be assigned to one company code. Now in PO, plant comes in the item level, that means you have to buy the material for a plant which belongs to a company code. Now you can assign one or more plants to one pur org. like 1 and 2 to P1, 3 to P2 and 4 to P3 and 1,2,3,4 to P4. Now don't assign pur org P4 to any company code. that means P4 can procure for all plants across all company code. Now you can raise a PO for all company code through P4. But this can be done for respective plants. Now you can create another Pur Org P5 and assign p1 to P4 to P5. and keep a contract at P5. That means the contract can be used by any Pur org to procure computers for respective plants. Sumit
Now don't assign pur org P4 to any company code. that means P4 can procure for all plants across all company code. but in this secnario, if I raise PO I have to give the data of company code in PO. which company code will put here. also how the GL acounts are updated by the purchases as it belongs to the entire client but not the comapny codes. P Rao
You want to purchase across all Company code that is correct. But how can you purchase without company code. You have to give it. Max you can do, you can create a virtual Plant and consolidate all the requirements there and raise a PO from that Plant and Company code and receive it at the same plant and Transfer the material to the company codes. But, you have to define the vendor and material at the virtual plant. In that way, you can take care of the vendor payment and proper account posting. Account posting cannot be done at the client level. I hope this helps. Sumit
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