How to configure purchase order to be sent by fax?
Answer: You can configure the purchase order to be sent by fax directly with the following steps (usually authorization are limited to the Basis Consultant) : A) Configuration WinFax Pro 1. Install WinFax Pro according to the manual from the disk or CD. 2. Send a fax from the WinFax desktop or with any windows application by printing to the "WinFax" printer. This step is used to check for correct fax transmission. B) Copy SAPFAX.DLL to the directory of SAPGUI. For example, C:\Program Files\SAPPC\SAPGUI. C) Configuration of an output device for fax (for example, "WFAX"): Transaction SPAD --> Output devices --> Define/change
D) Configuration of the distribution algorithm for faxes: Transaction SCOM
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