Grow and Bloom and Come Alive

"The more we live by our intellect, the less we understand the meaning of life."  *-- Leo Tolstoy

"Out on the edge you see all kinds of things you can't see from the center."  *-- Kurt Vonnegut Jr. 

"Everything in this world was declared impossible before it was actually done."


In the deep south, spring begins to show off during the month of March. She pushes Old Man Winter aside so her warmth can nurture the tiny buds that appear on the trees and plants. The birds sing loudly and the world seems alive again. Browns and grays are replaced by a rainbow of color. Darkness is gently pushed aside as the days grow longer. Extra sunlight brings warmth and nourishment to everything it touches.

As Mother Nature awakens, it is easy to get swept up in the energy of rebirth and starting anew. Take advantage of her powerful spring energy and gain inspiration to begin the very thing that you have been putting off. Perhaps you want to dabble in a creative project, get organized, search for a new job, move to a new area, make new friends or simply develop a new habit. This is the time to benefit from the energy of spring. No more waiting! Get ready to...

Come Alive, Grow and Bloom!

Here’s a few tips to help you take steps toward action.

1) Set your intention for the change you want to create in your life. Get very clear on what you want and write it down. Spend a few minutes each morning thinking about the intention you have created. Bond with it and believe it will come to pass.

2) Get clear on why this intention is important to you. Write this down too. What will you gain from bringing this new beginning into your life? How will it serve you? How will it serve others? Why is it important to you?

3) Develop a plan that is manageable. Baby steps count and will take you anywhere you want to go. This is where you are most likely to sabotage yourself so be on the look out for negative self-talk and lofty goals. Go slow and allow yourself to experience lots of mini victories along the way.

4) Share your plan of action with someone who is supportive and encouraging. Ask her (or him) to hold you accountable for the action you are taking. Tell her why it is important to you. Make sure this is someone who will not be jealous of your efforts to create a new beginning for yourself. Enlist a partner who will celebrate successes with you. If you don’t know of anyone, hire a life coach!

5) At the end of each week, reward yourself for your successes. Pat yourself on the back and acknowledge yourself for being serious about creating your new beginning. Tell yourself how fabulous you are and keep going. If you have a few setbacks (or failures) along the way, that’s okay! Stay away from guilt and self-persecution. Recover! Control your thoughts and talk to yourself as if you are your own best friend.

Every second gives you an opportunity to create a new beginning for yourself. Keep going and revisit step number two whenever you get discouraged.

From Small Beginnings Come Great Things. ~Proverb

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