Everybody Wants To Rule The
Quote of the day: “And in the end, we will preserve only what we love. We will love only what we understand. We will understand only what we are taught.” While watching the news on TV in a typical ritualistic manner, I couldn’t help but notice an underlying theme in the daily bombardment of bad news of “out of control fires” - in the form of global terrorism and chronic conflicts around the globe. Global terrorism and social unrest are only symptomatic of something much deeper, namely, a moral crisis characterized by a battle between good (defined as high awareness and living in harmony with universal laws characterized by integrity, giving and the honoring of all living things) and evil (defined as compromised integrity, corruption and lack of respect for the sanctity of life). It is easy to see the truth that the pursuit of power and control is the driving force behind global terrorism. This war is fueled by religious and political leaders who feel they have monopoly over the truth and knowing God, and will stop at nothing even if it means using the name of God as a license to kill. Simply put, everybody wants to rule the world in the spirit of “it’s either my way or no way,” reinforcing the golden rule – he with the most gold, rules. However, the pursuit of power, which is perpetuated by the media, is seen both on the individual and global level alike. It’s particularly evident in political campaigns where winning at all costs is the name of the game and therefore everything is fair game. The pursuit of power, which can be inherently very intoxicating, has always played a central role in the history of human affairs. Perhaps it’s human nature to seek an edge in order to not only survive but also thrive in the jungles of life. Yet power, like money, in and of itself is not evil, nor is the passion to posses power. It’s only when the obsession with power and winning is unleashed, and universal laws are ignored, that erosion in morality is inevitable and absolute power invariably corrupts absolutely, which ultimately leads to failing systems and institutions, conflicts and wars. That’s because when power is not used as a useful tool to make a difference, it becomes as fleeting as it is cruel. The history of human affairs is full of stories of individuals, and empires alike, that rose and fell precisely because in the pursuit of power they violated not only the laws of man but more importantly the ultimate laws from which no one is exempt, namely, universal laws that demand integrity and respect for the sanctity of life. It’s the pursuit of false power, coupled with a disconnect from our spiritual roots and the failure to see the unity in life, that leads to senseless violence. Every senseless act of violence only reminds us that, while we have become giants in technology, we are by-in-large still mental midgets. The problem is magnified when advanced technology and sophisticated deadly weapons don’t match the level of awareness and integrity of those who handle them. In other words, we have the knowledge, but we lack the wisdom to control our technologies. Power without control, wisdom and integrity is the formula for disaster. It’s been said that those who know most, fear most because they have the ability to see beyond the surface level, see the “big picture” and how everything is connected. They also know that humanity has never had weapons that they did not use (after all, they have to justify the cost and the temptation to resort to a “quick fix” as a solution to a complicated conflict is simply too great). That’s why it’s safe to assume that this time around it won’t be any different, unless something dramatic happens on a major scale (change in our way of thinking and doing things). Living in a time where chaos is the order of the day, the global community finds itself on a collision course with destiny, suspended between fear and hope, evolution and revolution. But the constant flirting with dangerous weapons only accelerates the process of sinking into a spiritual/moral black hole due to a loss of control and inevitable consequences of total mass destruction of civilization as we know it. It’s obvious that the fate of our destiny will be determined by the actions we’ll take collectively. While killing under limited circumstances may be necessary, it nevertheless poisons and stains the heart and soul. However, there is no glory in pain and destruction. Since it’s much easier to destroy than to build, the challenge becomes very real. You can die at any time, but it takes true courage to live. It’s only when we understand the distinction between real and false power, can we hopefully make better choices in order to experience life fully with purpose, meaning, inner peace, fulfillment, real joy and self-worth while living in harmony with the world around us. While real power, which is driven by power of love, empowers others and is expansive by nature, false power, which is driven by love of power, overpowers others and is restrictive by nature. Ultimately one leads to destruction and chaos while the other to construction and prosperity. So here is a condensed guideline for identifying true power:
Since every crisis carries with it the seed for equal or greater opportunity for growth, the pursuit of power and control disguised as global terrorism and political games, may actually be a golden opportunity for a true re-birth and resurrection of the human spirit as a human family working in a new and promising direction united by the spirit that connects us all. The real salvation for preserving a free and thriving society is not by developing more sophisticated and deadly weapons (what good does it do if you win but you are dead in an ocean of mass destruction?), but rather through increased awareness and knowledge. Likewise, since the real battle is the battle within, in our way of thinking, the ultimate power we seek is not “out there” but rather is already within. All we have to do is recognize it and use it wisely for purposes of good, or face the consequences of abusing and misusing it. As I keep reminding my daughter (whenever she is tempted to violate the rules), “I did not create the world…”
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