Have Massive Success Tomorrow
By Getting Started Today
"The best way to forget ones self is to look at the world with attention and love." *-- Red Auerbach "Being ready isn't enough; you have to be prepared
for a promotion or any other significant change."
"Your Merry Christmas may depend on what others do for you ... but your Happy New Year depends on what you do for others. --- Millions each day (if not more) are afflicted with and effected by the habit of procrastination. How many times have we all said, "Oh, I'll do it tomorrow"? Procrastination will kill your dreams faster than you can even have them. Here's the simple, straight forward reason why: You can't succeed at something until it exists. Or, put another way: everything that physically exists (whether it's a painting, a city, a relationship, a career or a friendship) had to have been born first. And all physical things are born out of an action. So when we procrastinate, we take no action and consequently - nothing is born. Do you want financial freedom? - Then you need to take action. Do you want to own your own home or be your own boss? - Then you need to take action. Do you want massive success? - Then TAKE ACTION! GET STARTED Guess what? Tomorrow never comes. It never does. I used to get like a deer in headlights, frozen in my tracks, when it came to reaching for my dreams. The idea of having my own business seemed so daunting that I didn't know where to start...so I didn't! There was always something “more important” or “necessary” to do and my vision took a backseat... day after day after day. For years. Many years. It was terrible. I bet you know what I'm talking about too. Make a commitment to pick at least one success principle and DO SOMETHING about it! It doesn't matter how poorly you do it. Just Do It. When Laura and I first started Pathways To Power, we had no idea what direction things would go in. You know what? It didn't matter! Who cares! Just get started! So that's what we did. We just threw up a web page and offered to help people. Did it look dumb? Yes! Well guess what? 3 people signed up anyway! I don't even know how they found the web page because we didn't tell anyone it existed! (remember it did exist though. We put a web page together and that gave us at least a chance to be found). That's a success principle for you. Did you see the movie "Field of Dreams"? Same idea: If you build it, they will come. So get building and throw something together that will at least give you a chance of succeeding. You can dot your i's and cross your t's later. We want to help you take action TODAY. Here are various reasons why some of you WON'T take action when you're done reading this: 1) I'm too busy right now and don't have enough time (it's a trap and a part of the illusion. You'll NEVER have enough time until you make the time. Get up 30 minutes earlier in the morning!) 2) I don't know what to do (we recommend finding a mentor to help you) 3) I don't have a Masters' degree or PHD so who is going to listen to what I have to say? (50% of millionaire entrepreneurs never finished college.) 4) I'm too old. I missed the boat when I had my chance xx years ago and didn't take it. (replace the xx's with appropriate excuse). I met a fellow over the internet once who was living in Japan. I'd been researching ways to improve my eyesight when I came across his website. He'd been a business owner for many years and told me he was very excited because he just recently passed the bar exam and opened a new law office. Guess how old he was when he did this? He was in his EIGHTIES! It takes money to make money - and I don't have any! (I know a man who, right out of college, had very little money. He went and bought a handheld drill and that was his only investment. He then went door to door and offered to drill peepholes in the doors that didn't already have one…for $50! Me? I took my own $50 and turned it into thousands on eBay.) I'm sure there are other reasons to NOT get started building your dreams today. If you have any that are holding you back, please feel free to write in and add them to our list. That' all for now but please: make a commitment to getting started today. This is YOUR year if you decide to go for it. No more excuses. Take ACTION. It's what separates the would be's, runner ups and wish I had's from the abundantly successful.
Next Self Improvement Article:
Why Did The Chicken Cross The Road? Think about it, what if the chicken crossed the road to grow, to seek opportunity, to discover a better life. Let's not bash its self-confidence, maybe it has a big dream. Why is the chicken never given credit for stepping over........ "Imagine no limitations; decide
what's right and desirable before you decide what's possible."
"Don't bring your need to the
marketplace, bring your skill. If you don't feel well, tell your
doctor, but not the marketplace. If you need money, go to the bank,
but not the marketplace."
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