"The most important thing in
life is to learn how to give out love,
"No matter what the tax rate
is, you can
"Do something big, bold and beautiful
today that makes the world a better place,
If you were to change the way you think about things, change your thoughts, you can live a different life. This mean feeling the freedom to do those things you always wanted or wish to do, but thought you couldn't. If you were to change your thoughts about what you can and cannot do, you might find a whole new life opening up. I think that sometimes, having pure desire isn't good enough to motivate people to do things. If it was, then everyone would do everything they wanted. I feel that self-motivation is a matter of whether the "do it" forces outweigh the "what's stopping you" ones. Doing it Factors: Desire. Obviously this has to be the most important one. If something sparks your interest, then this is your desire to pursue it or follow it. Ease. The easier something is, the more likely we are to do it. Some elements that make things easier include: no risk of failure, close in proximity (i.e. the gym), group mentality (other people are doing it), Time. When you have a limited window of time to do something, your motivation seems to go up. For instance, if you only have one day in a certain place, you want to make the most of that time there. This is a "last chance/only chance" mentality. Certain things are driven purely by desire, however. Desire can overcome all other factors if it is high enough. On the other hand, there are "What's stopping you" factors. These include: Fear. This includes fear of failure, fear of what other people will think of you, and fear of uncertainty. Laziness. This is basically the opposite of desire. You obviously DON'T want to do something bad enough, if you'd rather just sit on the couch. Contentment. An example of this is, if you've already heard a band's CD, and you don't want to hear them live, then that means you're content with the CD. This is another form of "low desire". The toughest decisions that we make in life are when you want to do something, but nobody else is doing it, and people might look at you strangely for doing it, and the outcome is uncertain.
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