Make Your Dream Reality This Year

"Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them; but do not let them master you.
Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight."
*-- Helen Keller {1880-1968 American Blind/Deaf Author & Motivator}

"Nothing is too small to know, and nothing is too big to attempt."
*-- William Van Horne

"If you see failure as a monster stalking you, or one that has already ruined your life, take another look. 
That monster can become a benevolent teacher, opening your mind to successes you cannot now imagine."
*-- Martha Beck

Do you have a dream you would like to accomplish? 

Whoever you are, I am pretty sure your answer is yes. Okay, now I am going to give you the secret to turn your dream in to a reality. Are you ready? I hope so; such a great tip can make all the difference from being a person of success or just a person full of wishes.

I can almost hear you now, replying: Okay, can you please tell me the secret and stop all the chi-chat! Since you are begging for it here it is: When you have a dream or goals JUST GET STARTED! Just getting started means that once you are sure of what you want, star walking towards your goal. Do not think about it so much and instead of focusing on the reasons why you cannot do it; focus on how to find a tactic to do it. For example Leyla is a single mom that has a full time job and already feels that there is not enough time during the day to go back to school. Instead of concentrating on the time she does not have, she can spend it thinking about how she can fit school in her daily schedule. She can also cut off some daily activities like watching three hours of TV to just one; maybe she can pay a teenager to watch her kids for an hour or two in her home while she does her homework, or cut off some of her cleaning time and pay someone else to do at least half of it. Perhaps, she can look into those new online education programs, once she learns about it; she enrolls and does most of her school work while her child sleeps in the next room.

Noticed how I mention she enrolled on a distance education program the moment right after she did some research. What happened was that once she did the research, understood how it works, and felt it would be a good decision she jumped right in to it. Now she is back in school pursuing her education and has never being happier. Of course, life is not perfect and she misses having more time for extracurricular activities. However, she understands how important getting an education is. How can she go wrong, If everyday she

Is a step closer towards her degree?

So back to you now, what is your life dream? What is stopping you from pursuing after your objective? How can you overcome obstacles? And last but most importantly GET STARTED! Starting a goal that you will commit to is the first step to becoming a person of success. once you are done with the first step which is often the hardest because is when you will confront your internal fears but, at the same time it will give you a confidence boost necessary to continue your venture. So stop waiting and get started now.

Good Luck!

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