Motivational Thoughts That You Should Avoid

" Love takes up where knowledge leaves off."
*-- Saint Thomas Aquinas

"The future belongs to those who believe 
in the beauty of their dreams."
*-- Eleanor Roosevelt

" Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter."
*--- Mark Twain

Many people on this planet are quite familiar with the concept of motivational thoughts, negative or positive thoughts and affirmations. In many of these ways, we are able to create our reality by the way in which we look at the world and the way in which we interpret it. This to be the case, it does makes sense for a person to think of positive motivational thoughts, rather than demotivating ones.

However, have you ever given any thoughts and considered that there's a right way and a wrong way to go about this? If you are looking to inspire yourself with motivational thoughts, then there are some pitfalls that you need to avoid.

Pollyanna Syndrome

Pollyanna is one of the name of a children's character created by Eleanor H. Porter, whose relentless optimism has become a metaphor for the sort of thinking that takes positivity to ridiculous extremes. Sometimes, its all right for you to look at things in a negative light - busy roads, dark alleyways in bad neighborhoods, internet scams and so on. In all those sort of situations, a Pollyanna-ish approach can get you into a lot of trouble.

Truly positive motivational thoughts are those which take a realistic view of a lousy situation. They do acknowledge the dangers and challenges of the real life we are all living, but at the same time, inspire confidence in your ability to avoid those dangers and overcome those challenges. An affirmation such as "whatever happens, I know I can handle it" is much more motivating than "everything is going to be OK". This is because it sets you up to deal with those inevitable times when everything is not OK.

The Perfectionism

This pitfall follows on from the first. Motivational thoughts can quickly become demotivational thoughts if you are aiming for perfection - because you'll never achieve it. For example, the classic "every day in every way, I'm getting better and better" sets an impossibly high standard. Can you really make a measurable improvement every single day of your life? What about those days when you have bad news, or when you feel ill, or when you're hungover? If you cling to that sort of perfectionist affirmation, you take no account of the inevitable ups and downs of life, and you leave yourself open to disappointment, disillusionment and failure.

Again, truly motivational thoughts accept the realities of life, but cast them in a new light. A more motivational version of the above would be something like "every day, I can learn something new". That's a truism, and an empowering one. Not only can you learn something new about the world, you can learn something new about yourself and your abilities, too.

In conclusion, the best sorts of human motivational thoughts are those which inspire confidence in your own ability to deal with whatever life chooses to throw at you, and optimism that you can learn from your mistakes and your experience.

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