My Girls Are People Magnets!

Since I work at home I spend the whole day with my girls and everyday I observe what a splendid greeting they give my husband when he comes home after a long day at work. 

What does he think about it? 

He loves it; sometimes he knocks on the door instead of letting himself in on purpose so, that they can run to the door before he comes inside. They start shouting at the top of their lungs: DADDY, DADDY! With the biggest smiles and unable to stay still, so much excitement! He seems to enjoy every minute of it and confesses that he starts thinking about their warm welcome while driving home from work.

Yes my story maybe a little funny and similar to others! However, when you pay close attention to the interaction of children with people in general you can easily see that part of what makes them so likeable besides being cute. It is how happy or excited they get in the presence of others whether it is a parent, family member or a good friend.

Do you see where I am going with this? 

I am pretty sure you are! Imagine saying hi to someone and the person seems emotionless or even sad. How would this make you feel? I am sure you won’t feel so great after such a cold greeting. Now imagine saying hi to someone that gives you a killer smile. I bet you are feeling better already. Better yet! Add a hug along with an “I am happy to see you” statement. You just felt like the most important person at the moment and probably want to spend more time with this individual.

Life can get quite difficult at times and we get so caught up on all that is wrong that we forget too show our appreciation for the things that are positive in our lives, including those we love. So in case you did not get the message: When you are truly happy to see a love one. Show it! Give a good friend a present for no reason. Whether you use words or material things to express your feelings; just demonstrate how happy you are to have him or her in your life.

Appreciate Today.

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