Positive thinking is good for
us all although sometimes we still allow people, things, and situations
to rob us of the ability to stay positive all the time. Yes,
everyone of us will have periods in life when we are hit with negative
forces continuously, making it difficult to focus on nothing but the negative
which leads to a lack of hope and despair. If you have already been down
this road before, you should already know that the journey back uphill
is a battle as well.
Therefore, what you can learned is to commit yourself to thinking on a higher level. Let us stop this negative discussion before that negative thoughts creep into my mind. Learn to consciously recite something positive. Believe me it's going to work like miracle. Just give it a try. Give time to train your mind to focus on the things that are desirable and meeting negative people and situations will suddenly become a non-issue freeing your mind and relaxing your spirit. One particular day, I was listening to the radio and a gentleman said something very profound to me. He said, "Whatever you magnify that is what you will manifest." Those few words hit me like a ton of bricks. It was like a sounding alarm to me. Challenge yourself today and give positive thinking a try. Join the many on the quest towards positive thinking. It may be sound hard at first but trust me it will get easier as the time goes. In our life, there are bound to be some people around you (on your job/ in your home) that can really get under your skin and down right make you want to lose it. Staying in a happy place with positive thoughts when they are around almost seems impossible. I also know that in life itself, it can be overwhelming at times but if you want to be happy, you must think yourself being happy no matter what your surroundings. Don't let the evil stress wear you out. Philippians 4:6-8 instructs as follows: "Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your request me made known unto God. The peace of God in, which passeth all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Finally.. whatsoever things that are true, whatsoever things that are honest, whatsoever things that are lovely, whatsoever things that are good report: if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things." In simple words, always seek for and hold on to the good. If you can't seems to find the good, find the God in it. All things around us happen for a reason, even those that appear to be negative. Remember to plant good positive seeds not just in others but in yourself. Water it and feed it daily with good stuff and you will bear good fruit. Start training your mind to work for you and not against you.
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