(Average) To be, or Not to be

"What the world really needs is more love and less paper work." *-- Pearl Bailey

"Character is much easier kept than recovered."  *-- Thomas Paine

"I am realistic - I expect miracles."  *-- Wayne Dyer


When is hate OK? When it's the feeling you have toward average. Let me make this point clearly and without reservation. I hate average!

What is average? My dictionary describes it as being about midway between extremes. Being not out of the ordinary. Common. You know, "Average". To me average is having a focus that's on just doing enough to meet the standard. Average is showing up for work, or school or that interview or meeting at precisely the time you're scheduled to start. Average is choosing comfort and convenience over saying and doing what needs to be said or done. Average is doing "it" or believing a certain way because everyone else does.

The average persons focus is on what the world's standard is. The above average persons focus is on his own standard.

Ever notice how average people whine about their problems. Above average people are too busy putting their thoughts and energies into solutions to whine. To the average person adversity is an enemy to be avoided at all costs, while to the above average person adversity is looked upon as opportunities and welcomed challenges (smiling as I type, knowing that this is true).

You should make it your habit, your way of life, to always put your above average foot forward. How do you do this? Simply enough, just by doing it. Say what needs to be said, in the way it needs to be said. If you don't know how to say it the way it needs to be said--- say it the way you believe it should be. "Nature" will take care of the rest. Do what needs to be done the way it needs to be done. If you don't know what needs to be done or how to do what needs to be done, again put your above average foot forward and do what you believe needs to be done. Nature always honors honest effort. Always.

There are too many above average people accepting average as their standard. I know it's hard to break out, but break out we must. I know the gravitational pull of average is strong, but the resolve to rise above average in the above average person is stronger.

We need to develop a real dis-taste for average. Talking about it is not doing it. I encourage you to resist the evil "average". In all aspects of your life put your above average foot forward. Step out of the crowd. Simply don't settle for anything less than above average. Don't walk average. Don't talk average. Don't live average. Just don't do it.

Kids figuring out this is average, above average thing is real simple. Pick a formula and apply it.

Formula 1 - Average thoughts lead to average actions. Average actions lead to average lives.

Formula 2 - Above average thoughts lead to above average actions. Above average actions lead to above average lives. It's your choice.

A simple, straight forward question for you on the way out. In your home, community, place of employment, where ever you are, are you the standard bearer? The one pushing the standard higher. Or, are you the one holding the standard down?

To be, or not to be?

Live some. Love some. Learn some. Everyday.


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