1. Your organization is implementing SAP ERP Material
Planning. Your team is creating bills of material (BOM). You
explain to your team that the bill of material contains the assemblies
or components which are to be included.
There are 2 correct answers to this question. More than one answer is correct. Please choose the correct answers. a. Bills of material are created and maintained as multilevel
2. You are explaining SAP ERP Material Planning to
your colleagues. They are interested in learning about the functions
of material requirements planning (MRP). Which of the following statements
correctly describe the features of MRP?
a. MRP can be run at the plant level.
3. What organizational levels are relevant for material planning? a. Client
4. What master data is relevant for material planning? a. Material
5. The MRP views of the material master are relevant
at what organizational level?
6. The Accounting views of the material master are
relevant at what organizational level?
7. The material type of a material determines which of the following? a. Default procurement type
8. Which of the following are valid procurement types? a. External
9. Which of the following potential MRP types? a. MRP
10. What does the material type control? a. Number assigned to the material
--- Suggested Answers: 1) b, d 2) a, d 3) a, b, c, d 4) a, c, d 5) plant 6) plant (materials are valued at the plant) 7) a, c, d, e, f 8) a, b, c 9) a, b, c 10) a, b, d, e, f |
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