Exception Group - Exception
Description Meaning Severity
1 2 New, and opening date in the past SAP has created a new requisition and scheduled it appropriately based on the demand, however, given the lead time of the material the Purchase Order should have already been issued to the supplier. High potential that this order will need to be expedited! Critical 1 5 Opening date in the past 2 3 New, and start date in the past The order or requisition
is scheduled to start in the past. High potential that this order will
2 6 Start date in the past 2 63 Production start before order start System configuration should not allow this situation. Review the order and ensure that the scheduled & basic dates are in line and notify the HelpDesk to report 'Inconsistent Scheduling Configuration". Critical 3 4 New, and finish date in the past The order or requisition
is scheduled to finish in the past. High potential that this order will
3 7 Finish date in the past 3 64 Production finish after order finish System configuration
should not allow this situation. Review the order and ensure that
4 1 Newly created order proposal New order created Informational 4 42 Order proposal has been changed Order rescheduled by SAP Informational 4 44 Order proposal re-exploded Order regenerated by SAP Informational 4 46 Order proposal has been manually changed Order rescheduled by planner Informational 4 61 scheduling: Customizing inconsistent System configuration
should not allow this situation. Ensure that the order shows up
4 62 Scheduling: Master data inconsistent Check master data ! Remove "In House Processing Time" from the Material Master MRP2 view. Ensure that the Production Version & Routing are correct. Run MPS/MRP manually once corrected. Error 4 82 Item is blocked The requisition has been manually blocked and therefore cannot be converted. Remove the block from the requisition or delete the requisition and run MD02 for the material to regenerate. Critical 5 50 No BOM exists SAP was unable to find a valid Bill Of Material for the item. Check the BOM, Production Version & Selection Method. Error 5 52 No BOM selected SAP was unable to find a valid Bill Of Material for the item. Check the BOM, Production Version & Selection Method. Error 5 53 No BOM explosion due to missing config. Plant Set-Up incorrect. Contact the Helpdesk to report this error! Error 5 54 No valid run schedule header Material set for repetitive manufacturing on the Material Master MRP views. Correct Material Master or contact the Helpdesk for assistance with this error. Error 5 55 Phantom assembly not exploded SAP was unable to find a valid Bill Of Material for the phantom material. Check the BOM or contact the Helpdesk for assistance with this error. Error 5 69 Recursive BOM components possible Bill of material inaccurate (material consuming itself). Review and correct BOM and run MPS manually. Error 6 25 Excess stock Excess stock planned based on the "Range of Coverage" profile. Coverage profiles should not be in use. Remove the "Range Of Coverage Profile" from the MRP view of the Material Master and run MRP manually. Error 6 26 Shortage in individual segment There is material
in the "Provided To Vendor" bucket in SAP. Remove the material using
6 40 Coverage not provided by master plan Excess stock planned based on the "Range of Coverage" profile. Coverage profiles should not be in use. Remove the "Range Of Coverage Profile" from the MRP view of the Material Master and run MRP manually. Contact the HelpDesk for assistance if unable to resolve. Error 6 50 Shortage in the planning time fence SAP unable to automatically cover demand due to the time fence. Review and reschedule supply elements appropriately. Important 6 57 Disc. matl partly replaced by follow-up Order is planning to use remaining run-out material and the balance of the requirement using the replacement material. Adjust order quantities based on the run-out as appropriate. Important 6 58 Uncovered reqmt after effective-out date System unable to find replacement material. Review the run-out strategy and adjust master data appropriately. Run MRP manually once resolved. Critical 6 59 Receipt after effective-out date Receipt of discontinued
material planned. Review the run-out strategy and adjust orders
6 70 Max. release qty - quota exceeded System unable to
determine source of supply. Check the effective dates of the Quota
6 96 Stock fallen below safety stock level Supply plan insufficient to cover safety stock requirement. Review and adjust if appropriate. Important 7 10 Bring process forward Order or requisition is too late to cover requirements. Review and reschedule appropriately. Important 7 15 Postpone process Order or requisition is too early based on requirements. Review and reschedule appropriately. Important 7 20 Cancel process Supply is beyond total demand in the system. Stock Not Required! Review and re-plan appropriately. Critical 7 30 Plan process according to schedule Order or requisition early or late and within close proximity to the Time Fence, Hard Order, or Current Date. Review and reschedule appropriately. Important 8 98 Abnormal end of requirements planning System unable to process the material - Major Data or Configuration problem! Check Material Status and seek assistance if unable to resolve. Materials flagged for deletion should be set to the "DIS" MRP controller to remove them from the list. Error |
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