The QM module has three major areas. QM planning ( i.e.
master data), QM processing and lastly QM analysis. Usage decisions are
part of QM processing.
In the QM module, an inspection begins with the creation of an inspection lot. As a rule, inspection lots are created automatically by transactions in other SAP modules as goods receipt. The next four steps in inspection processing are: 1) select the parts to be inspected,
After the results have been recorded for an inspection lot and the inspection activities are finished, a decision must be reached about the usage of the inspected material. This usage decision will determine:
Once this usage decision is made, the inspection is completed. However, if a long term characteristic remains open, then the inspection is completed on a temporary basis. If a status of an inspection lot is not at the stage for the usage decision to be made, then the user cannot proceed with the usage decision until all required activities are completed. After the results have been recorded or the inspection has been aborted, the inspector or another authorized individual must make the usage decision of the inspection lot. Once this has been done, the inspection results cannot be changed anymore. If nine of the inspection characteristics were rejected, the system can make the usage decision automatically. If a usage decision is made for a material that requires documentation, the decision must include an explanation under the following circumstances:
1. When the results recording has been completed and saved,
the usage decision must be made.
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